Princess of Astasia

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          There was a young girl, who was princess of Astasia. She was only 15 but was a brave and noble warrior, but the people of Astasia knew that she was also a fair and peaceful leader. Her father and mother were the king and queen of Astasia, and were respected among their country. Their country was off the map, so no one knew about it. It as a peaceful country until the dark days came, The king had a long forgotten brother who was evil down to the bone. The king cast him off the island but the brother swore he would return and he did…. along with some friends. The royal family was very powerful, they descended from gods from Greece and Native Americans, but the young princess was clueless to all of this because her parents wanted to protect her. The princess’s name was Vesta meaning guardian of sacred fire in Latin, and that she was. She was the most powerful princess in history, but no one knew this…. yet.


Hey guys, ummm sorry if it sucks. I am working on it and ya. comment if you have suggestions or ideas to make my story better. Thanks for reading!! - Kayleigh

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