Chapter 7

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The police station, the hospital, and a funeral is how the rest of my day went. Every killer is someone's friend. So that begs the question what if the killer is hurting their own friends. Why would someone in their right mind do something like that? The thought makes me feel uneasy so I quickly stop thinking about the subject and think on a brighter note. Kyle will be perfectly fine at least that's what the doctor told me. I just have to trust him on this one besides I still have to go to a funeral today. I know that probably sounds selfish and all but he can't be my twin brother. We just look identical that's all. While I am sitting in the waiting room, I get a call from Nathan telling me that they want me to come in for questioning.

 "Oh great not this again", I said and quickly hung up the phone.

When I arrive at the police station I walk in to find low and behold I see detective Rowling waiting for me. He then takes me into a room that where there is a one-way mirror to my right. 

"One, no two deaths, one severe injury and guess what you just happen to be there every time someone kids hurt", he says casually.

 "What now you think I am the famous Bentonville slasher", I say mockingly.

 "All I am saying is that you were there every time something happened so you must know a thing or two about what is going on", He says.

 I don't respond do I risk another death to tell him everything I know about the killer or do I lie to him. Before I can respond he then tells me this, "You do know if I really wanted to I could charge you for breaking and entry."

 I the do the first thing that pops into my head, I tell the truth up until the fact about me being adopted and my twin being my actual brother. He then lets me go after a few more questions. The funny thing about questions is that you don't always get an answer to them.

Finally, after a long time get to go back to Nathan's house to chill for a bit. I feel kind of weird going to a house all by myself with a killer on the loose, but I think it's just my paranoia. I lay down and take a nice nap. When I wake up I hear my phone ring. Don't answer it I think to myself but it just will not stop ringing. I press my finger on the screen where a big green dot that will probably determine my faith for the next few mins and press down on it. 

"Hello", I say with no hint of emotion in my voice. 

"Hello do you like my game that you and I are playing", The person says.

  "My life is not a game", I say angrily. 

"Yes it is and when I say it's over it's over", They say.

 I quickly lock the doors and windows of the house, but soon after I do that he tells me this,"Now the question you should be asking yourself is: Did you just lock me in or out?"

 A chill goes through my body. 

Then he or she says,"I have one last question today for you good or bad? You have a week to decide".

 Good or bad what does that question mean but before I could say anything they hang up. I can't think about that right now I have to go attend a funeral. I quickly put on my clothes and bolt out of the house.

I get in my car take a breather and start to drive to the cemetery. It starts to rain and I quickly slow down my speed. After all of this stuff that is going on, I start trying to play it safe. I then see the sign to the cemetery. The cemetery is huge and very uninviting in a way that I just can't put my finger on. Once I park I start to walk where everyone is standing. Someone offers me a black umbrella and I take it. Then I walk inside the building where my girlfriend lies dead in her casket. The casket is silver with pink and purple flowers on top. I then look at her body. Her blonde hair is perfectly in a braid. She looks beautiful. I feel that any second now she is going to jump right out of the casket and kiss me but I know she won't. 

  "I love you", I whisper into her ear.

 Her mom and dad came over and told me to look at her finger and there it is the promise ring I gave her about a month ago. I can still remember the day I gave it to her.

We were at the park one Saturday morning just the two of us. The sun was shining and the trees were nice and green it was a beautiful day. I had surprised her with a nice picnic. When we finished eating I gave her the ring and said this,

"I love you Casey and what this ring means is much more than could ever give you. A promise. A promise to always protect you and be by your side and never stop loving you. She starts to cry and says,

  "I love you too".

I start to tear up but instead of holding it in I let it pour out of my eyes like an infinite sea of tears that will never stop. 

"I can't stay in here in longer," I think to myself.

  So I ignore everyone around me and walk straight out of the front door without a word.

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