Chapter 2// 'A girl on her monthly.'

Start from the beginning


Tomorrow is the last day of high school. I'm so happy! I can finally get away from the Zaiina and her minions- unfortunately they came to the same high school as me and Ed.

Father was going to home late today, he said he would be at a party so me and Edward are going to watch movies and eat what we can before father gets back.

"Emma I'm choosing the movie." Edward shouted from downstairs, "We're watching The Grudge."

"Okay." This is my favorite movie of all time. I got changed into my pajamas and ran downstairs when I heard the beginning of the film. "You could've waited you jerk." I said and slumped down beside Ed. "You were taking too long."

**1 hour, 52 minutes and 31 seconds later..**

The movie has just ended, to say I'm scared would be an understatement, I'm absolutely terrified! Edward sat laughing at me throughout the movie because I was getting so scared so I kept looking at the ceiling just in case hair came through.

"Let's eat." Edward said and went to the kitchen.

"I want chocolate." I whined.

"Tough there isn't any."

"Lets go get some."

"No shops are open."

"The 24 hour corner shop down the road." I smiked. Edward sighed heavily as he knew there was no way I'd back down. "Come on then."

I put a coat on top of my jammies and went outside. We walked in comfortable silence to the shops and got my chocolate. Once we went outside, Edward said "You're weird."


"Who carves chocolate at midnight?"

"A girl on her monthly." I laughed.

"TMI!" He said quite loudly and moved away from me.

We raced back home, Edward won obviously- I was too busy eating my kitkat.

"Where the f*ck were you guys?!!" My dad yelled once Edward and I walked into the house.

"Emma, go upstairs now!" My twin ushered me. 

I ran up the stairs and locked myself in the bathroom.

"Where were you?!" I heard my father shout at Edward.

"We went to the shops."


"Why else do people go to the shops?"

"Don't get cocky!" My father yelled and I heard him punch Edward.

After a few minutes of hearing father hit Edward and Edward screaming for him to stop, everything went quiet. No-one was speaking. I crept out of the bathroom and saw the front door wide open. I went into the living room to see Edward on the floor surrounded in blood.

I ran to him and helf his hand. "Edward wake up please." I said as tears streamed down my face.

I stroked his cheek, "Edward open your eyes." I placed my hands on his chest, he wasn't breathing..

"ARGHHHHHHH!!" I let out a blood curdling scream, "Don't leave me Edward..." I whispered and lay beside him.

"Please don't go..."


Awww Edwards dead :'(


P.S Please don't hate that he died early in the book *cough*Taz7862 *cough* there is way more drama to come ;)

~Stay strong xx

~Tammy <3

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