Chapter 3: Memories

Start from the beginning

Once the flames were diminished, I feel Shinji glaring at me. “That was my favorite hat!”

“I said I was sorry! Consider that pay back for ditching me for ice cream.” I state smugly. “Now, come over here, apologize and give me a hug.”

Shinji chuckles and shakes his head disapprovingly before walking over to me, wrapping me in his arms. “What do I need to apologize for? You’re the one who set my hat on fire.”

“You ditched me.” I counter, hugging him back. “And I don’t think you want me to set the you totally on fire, now do you?”

“Eh, not really.” He admits, releasing me.

“Nice choice.” I giggle, skipping away from him and towards the table with my hands behind me head. “So, what’s for dinner? ‘Cause I’m starving!”

“Yakitori and rice!” Mashiro exclaims as she places a dish full of chicken on a stick and bowls of rice in front of us. “Dig in.”


Throughout the course of dinner and dessert we talked about everything and anything, laughing most of the time. It was the most fun I had had in a long while.

I had said my goodbyes and was getting ready to leave when I feel a hand grab my wrist. Turning around, I see Shinji with a small toothy smirk on his face.

“Yes?” I question, raising an eyebrow.

“It was good to see you and hang out.” Shinji states, pulling me in for a hug. “Come again soon, okay?”

“I will.” I reply, letting my arms drop from around his waist.

“Be safe, Kira.” Shinji murmurs before closing the large door to the warehouse, leaving me alone in the cold. Spinning away from the building, I begin walking.

Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the piece of paper Grimmjow gave to me. My eyes scan the paper briefly before I shove it back into my pocket and start heading in the direction specified.

The wind was blowing quite furiously tonight so there was a slight chill. Walking down the empty streets for what seems like forever, I finally come to a medium sized house with almost white paneling and a black door.

I stroll up the small walkway and to the door, knock on it and step back. A few moments later the door opens to reveal a bored looking Ulquiorra.

“Kira, what are you here for?” He asks in his sullen voice.

Shrugging, I push a few strands of hair out of my face. “I’m here to work on a project with Grimmjow.” I reply, peeking into the house. I couldn’t see anything but the living room. “Is he home?”

Ulquiorra shakes his head and opens the door wider, letting me in. “He left a while ago but he should be back momentarily. You can wait in here for him.” I walk in and Ulquiorra closes the door behind me before disappearing up stairs.

I slip my jacket off and hang it on the coat rack before walking over to where the couch was. Just as I sit down, Harribel appears from the kitchen with a bowl in her hands.

“Hello Kira.” She greets, sitting down on the couch next to me. Lifting her legs up, she crosses them and places the bowl in the center.

“Hey Harribel.” I reply, focusing my eyes onto the T.V.

“Why are you here?” Harribel asks simply, her tone not rude at all despite how her question sounded.

“Grimmjow and I have a science project to work on. I’m just waiting for him to get back from wherever he his.”

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