Chapter One

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Emma let out a sigh as she hung up her apron. She now understood sayings like "dead on her feet" and "TGIF".

She was absolutely exhausted. But she almost enjoyed the feeling. It was human, and normal. She could almost forget she was (as far as she knew) the only shapeshifter in the entire world. Or that she was in hiding from a wacked out group of crazies. Sworn to bring her down. Instead she could just be a girl heading home from work on her summer job.

   She headed outside where her moped was waiting. She had bought it second hand three months ago. It was much better then having her landlord Ms. Eldridge, (a kind sweet old lady but who couldn't drive worth a darn), drive her to work.

   She let her mind drift as she swerved between the potholes filling the small town streets. But shook her head as her mind tried go back there. She was not in the mood to relive those bad memories right now. To watch as her younger brother and parents were cut down before her eyes.

   No, she thought. Your not gonna mope. Your gonna get home. Eat your wonderful birthday meal Ms. Eldridge has probably made for you. Your gonna be a normal person. Coming home from normal work.

  She turned off at the run down grocery store. Heading inside and straight to the freezer section. Ignoring everything till she found it. Ah, the Bluebell section. A birthday treat for herself. She pursued the flavors till she found it. Pecans and Praline. She grinned as she pulled it out of the icy freezer.
  Heading to the drink section she grabbed a Dr. Pepper. She walked to the checkout, paying her due and heading back outside.

  She got home as the sun began to set. Heading straight for the studio/garden shed that had been transformed it to a small one room apartment that was nestled behind her landlords house.
  She threw her ice cream and drink into the tiny fridge as she simultaneously started stripping her work uniform off. Man that thing was uncomfortable. But the kind woman at the diner had given her a job despite her lack of any identification. Social security, birth certificate etc. So if she said she had to wear the uniform. Emma was gonna wear it.

  She pulled a hunter green t-shirt from her drawer. And some loose comfortable jeans from a pile on her bed, putting them on. She pulled her long deep auburn hair from the tight bun on her head. Putting it instead in a loose braid over her shoulder. And then headed outside to the Big house.

   As soon as her feet hit the back deck she could smell the wonderful food cooking within. Her stomach growled.
Opening the creaky screen door she saw the tiny fury named Helen Eldridge as she made her magic on the old propane stove.

"It's smells heavenly in here" Emma groaned.

"Oh hello dear! Your home just in time" Ms. Eldridge smiled. "Get yourself some tea and ill bring supper in"

   Emma didn't have to be asked twice. Grabbing a glass from the cupboards covered in peeling white paint, she headed over to the table. Grabbing the heavy glass pitcher filled with the best sweet peach tea in the universe, pouring her glass as full as she could.

   She pulled out a chair, sitting down happy to get off her feet. She smiled as Zeus, the largest dog she had ever seen, loped into the room to greet her. He was a Great Dane. Almost taller then his owner. He was a sweet dog. But fiercely protective of his mistress. To friends he was a teddy bear. But to unknown possible enemies, he was a roaring terror. Ms. Eldridge had stories of times when people, thinking her house was the perfect place to knock over with a quick get away, had met with Zeus. He had sent two people to the hospital before the word got around to not break into this house.
With Emma sitting down the giant canine was almost as tall as her. She grinned as she threw her arms around his thick neck.
"Hey boy! How ya doing??" She rubbed his scruff. He looked at her with his biggest dog smile and then headed to the kitchen.

   Ms. Eldridge came out of the kitchen with two loaded plates. Zeus trailing behind her. She set them on the table. Filled with pork chops, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and huge fluffy biscuits. She headed back into the kitchen coming back out with two more platters. One with four more chops for Zeus. And one with the highlight of the meal. A beautiful, perfect German chocolate double chocolate drizzled in chocolaty goodness, cake.

"All this for me?" She asked.

" Well it's not every day you turn eighteen" Ms. Eldridge laughed.

"True, but still. You've outdone yourself." She got up to hug the tiny lady. "Thank you."

"Oh pish posh" Ms. Eldridge said. Waving her hand at Emma as if uncomfortable with the affection. But with a sweet smile on her face.
" Let's eat" she said sitting down

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