"(Y/N)!" Eren cheers and pulls you into a tight bear hug making it hard to breath but also making you giggle.

"I really do love you (Y/N)" Eren whispers gently he lets go still a huge smile on his face.

"Come on we need to go find Levi he is alone somewhere since we ditched him." Eren chuckles pulling you down the stairs by your hand but letting go at the bottom.

"Oh I forgot all about him... I feel really bad now!" You say feeling a little guilty.

"He will be fine most likely I'll be the one getting into trouble." Eren says in a joking way but you both knew it was true.

Running around the park for ages like idiots you finally found Levi sitting on a park bench near a pond.

Running up to him out of breath you and Eren put your hands on your knees and gasp for breath.

"What the hell were you two doing?" Levi asks a little agitated as he glares at Eren.

"N-Nothing... I took (Y/N)... To the view point..." Eren says trying to catch his breath.

"Tch, you brats took forever." Levi clicks.

"Yeah... Because we have... Been running around... Looking for you for the past... Ten minutes..." Eren explains in short breaths.

"Tch, talk after you catch your breath Jaeger" Levi clicks again not interested.

Eventually you and Eren catch your breaths and sit on the bench seat you once again in the middle of the two.

Looking around you start to think about how awfully familiar this park was you could have sworn you have seen it some place before.

Thinking back your mind wondered to last night with Levi from the very beginning.

You remembered having a nightmare and started to remember where you were and who you were with.

Then it clicked.

Your eyes widened and your heart increased its pace as you remembered your nightmare it was set exactly here and exactly in this spot.

Looking wide eyed to Eren and Levi they gave you strange looks.

"Umm, are you alright?" Eren asked putting his hand on your shoulder gently shaking you.  

"Y-Yeah." You manage to squeak out trying to collect yourself.

"Tch, that reminds me." Levi began causing a glare from Eren then Levi returning it straight back as if they both knew something you didn't.

Both of them stood up and walked in front of you.

Your eyes widened again as the exact same image from the dream appeared in front of you in reality.

"Brat, I know it's soon but, you need to choose one of us because eventually even I won't be able to control myself once you leave it for to long..." Levi reluctantly says standing beside Eren hands in his pockets.

Eren looked at Levi then at you guiltily.

"B-But I can't choose one of you.." You speak out now standing from your seat.

"What do you mean you can't choose one of us?" Eren asks cocking his head to the side slightly.

"Because... I love both of you!" You quickly say lowering your head a little.

"I really do love the both of you I can't just choose one..."

Eren and Levi exchanged looks with wide and shocked eyes.

"Are you serious? No messing around brat." Levi asked coldly.

"Yes! I'm not messing around Levi!" You shout back tears now brewing in your eyes and you didn't know why.

Eren and Levi look at each other again but now seeming relaxed and then they both shrug at each other.

You look at them wondering if things would end up turning out like the nightmare you had.

When they parted their gaze Eren walked around to the right side of you and Levi to the left.

You looked at the two of them in turn your eyes filled with worry and a hint of fear gripped your heart.

You closed your eyes tightly and clenched your fists.

But on either hand something loosened your fists and put a hand in your hands.

Looking to your left and right hand, one hand held Eren's hand and the other held Levi's hand.

Your eyes widened as the two came right into your ears.

"Well then, we will have to share." They both said in sync and in the same whispering tone.

Your eyes widened even more staring out across the pond unsure of how to react but your heart felt full.

You felt Sparks run through your body you could feel your animal purring and you could feel what felt like more than a hundred butterfly's in your stomach.

Something warm pressed against the corners of you mouth on each side and that's when you realised the two were kissing you.

"Your mine now." They both whispered once again in sync.

"I'm Yours"

~LevixReader~ One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now