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People don't usually recognize me. Even at school, I'm not known by many people - maybe five or six acknowledge my existence if I'm lucky. But someone at the park, that even I've never seen before? Uncalled of.

At first I was just walking. Just minding my own business, staring at trees and birds; y'know, the usual.

But then she walked up to me. Her voice was soft and sweet, the kind of voice that you only need to hear once to know that you could listen to it for the rest of your life. The kind of voice that lures you in so that you can't help but listen to the person that owns it.

"Do I know you?" she asked, and her face was sort of odd; it was twisted into a grimace, but also a smile. It was like she didn't know which emotion to choose, so she just decided on both. "Sorry, that was weird." She laughed and it wasn't those laughs like in the movies; the melodic laughs that make you just stare at them in awkwardness. It was just a regular laugh.

I laughed too, and I wonder what she thought of it. Was it normal, regular? Was it odd? "I don't think we've met before," I told her. "Sorry."

"It's just-" she hurried out before I could walk away. "You just look familiar. I think I've seen you before."

I gave her the benefit of the doubt; I thought about it, but I couldn't remember her at all. "Maybe on the street, or something, but I don't recognize you."

She smiled, and seeing her real smile didn't make me feel like those people describe it in the books. I didn't fall in love with her at first sight. I didn't even have a crush. She was pretty, but she was just regular girl.

She was a regular girl with a regular laugh and a regular smile. I was boy who only hoped I could be as regular as her.


[ a / n ] oh yes this friendship is totally platonic

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