- Imagine - Cam And Mash - Jealousy -

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You're in your hotel room with y/b/f/n well just eating because she/he had fell asleep on you from pulling an all nighter last night but you didn't regret it one little bit.

You had gotten bored so you went too see what the guys were doing, at your surprise the door wasn't fully shut which meant that you would go inside their room without knocking. Stepping inside once you fully opened the door. You cleared your throat at seeing Cam, Nash and Matthew doing the oatmeal challenge for a new YouTube video.

Giggling at watching the three of them, you glanced over into the chair by the little table/dresser in the room against the wall. Jack J and Jack G were both sitting there looking at you with a really big smile. "Hey!" You whispered to the boys who waved childishly before mentioning over towards the bed where the other three boys were. Furrowing your eyes in confusion until you glanced over to the bed at the boys where you see Cam already looking at you in awe.

Matthew and Nash already the video as it was now completed. Blushing a little at Cam staring at you. You've always had the biggest crush on him since you two met at a meet and greet about two years ago. Now you and all of the boys hang out together.. You got hate for it but you just brushed it off as if it were nothing which Cam had admitted at one time that he thought that was so attractive about you.

"Hey y/n.. You look prettayyy!" Sassy Matthew said, snapping his fingers before laughing a little. Nash.. He ran out of the room and down the halls somewhere while both of the Jack's were playing on their phones. You blush a little at Matthew's sassy compliment. "Thank you Matty" You mumbled out before you see him grinning. And you glanced over towards Cam too find what Matthew was grinning about. "Is Cammy Wammy jealouuuus?!" Matthew teases Cam before hugging you. You hug him back only too see Cam's face brightening red from jealousy you guessed.

"No! Why the hell would I be jealous?!" Cam automatically defended himself.. Ouch that hurt! You thought in your head flinching at the thought.

Cam huffed a little at Matthew as the little Dino exited the room, laughing. "Y/n?" Cam mumbled as you sat on the edge of the bed on the opposite side of him.. You ignore him silently. "Y/n!" Cam said a bit louder making you look over your shoulder and all of a sudden, a pair of soft and sweet lips crashed into yours gently. You gasped softly at the surprise until he pulled away with a weak smile. "I-I.. Like..... You!" He admitted shyly, smiling only making you smile and well the only way you could really tell him you felt the same way about him.

You captured his lips with your own again.


A/N; I'm so sorry for not updating in FOREVER! its just I'm busy... Stalking the Janoskians and watching old Magcon moments and stuff *cries silently in a corner* I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!.

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