- Imagine - Waking Up To Cam -

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"Y/N?!" That familiar sexy sleepy voice was yelling your name too come to him because he had just woken up while you had been up since 9:39am this morning, cleaning, cooking, and straightening up the house because you haven't done it in awhile from being busy all of the time at work and stuff. "Coming baby!" You yell back as you made your way upstairs in yours and Cam's two story house that y'all had bought down on the beach so it was a beach house. Going into y'alls bedroom seeing that Cameron and his Siberian Husky, Jax were playing together. Trying to hold back an 'Awe' from escaping.

But you ended up failing too at seeing, Jax giving Cameron kisses.. A loud awe escaped from your mouth grabbing the attention of both Cameron and Jax, "I wish I could've recorded that!" You said in awe as you went over to the bed while Cameron held his arms out to you, whining because he wanted to hold you. "Bae c'mere!" He whined as you giggled softly, crawling onto the bed and crawled onto his lap carefully, letting yourself straddle him as you relaxed into his chest while he wrapped his arms around you loosely. "I love you, baby!" You whispered to him softly with a soft smile upon your lips while tilting your head to the side a little, fixing your (color eye here) eyes on his bright beautiful brown eyes.

"I love you too, beautiful!" He mumbled as he leaned up a bit since you are sitting on his lap, kissing your lips quickly yet soft and gentle with a small smile on his lips. Pulling away gently, you blush a small bit, even though you guys had been together for going on a year and a half now, he still gave you butterflies and got you nervous.

When Jax barked excitedly at Cameron who was teasing him playfully, it knocked you out of your thoughts. Watching them. 'My life isn't nowhere near being perfect, but right now at this moment, everything seems as if it is magically falling into place' You think to yourself in your head while a huge smile grew onto your lips.

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