even if「tsukishima kei」

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Even if you try your hardest, he will never notice you. It has been 2 and a half years ever since that encounter. You wished that it wouldn't have met him, you wouldn't have been crying now.

You first met Tsukishima Kei; the boy that you loved, at school. You were at the library, searching for a book to read to kill some time. When you got the book that you wanted, you turned to your left and saw him.

He was handsome despite the frown on his face. You drank every single detail about him; from his short blonde hair down to his feet. Once he walked outside of the library, you felt sadden that you haven't gotten his name. Tsukishima never left your mind even after the weeks passed by. His beautiful face was all you can remember. Each night, you would hope you would meet again and it did.

The next one was near the gym. You were about to buy your favorite drink from the vending machine, you heard bickering just around the corner. You took a peek and saw him again.

Tsukishima was teasing a ginger-haired male and a scary looking guy. The two boys' looks were scary, if only looks could kill. There was another boy at his side, trying to stop the fight before it get worse.

You wanted to help but you can't since he doesn't know you and things might get awkward because of you. All you could do was to watch of what is going to happen next. You thanked God that it didn't get physical and you left the scene, little did you know that he noticed you.

Weeks passed by and you decided that you will leave some letters on his desk. Some of the things you wrote were either cheesy or romantic, there was no where in between. You thought you weren't going to get caught but he caught you trying to sneak in one of your letters to his desk.

"What do you think you are doing right now?" Tsukishima asks as he lowers his headphones down.

You were completely speechless right now. It was your first time talking to him and you had a lot to say however none of those things were coming out of your mouth.

"Not talking huh? I asked you a question and I think you should answer it."

You apologized for being at his desk and you told him the reason why you were there. You confessed to him because it felt right at the moment.

"I'm not interested in you."


"You heard me, I said I'm not interested."

"O-oh.. I see then thank you for your time." You left the room, leaving him alone. The pain in your heart never left through out the day, you couldn't stop thinking of the words he said to you. They kept on repeating as if it was a broken record. You went home, straight towards your room, locking it to make sure no one gets in. You lied down on your bed, hugging the pillow nearby you and cried silently for the rest of the night.

You felt stupid for thinking that he would be interested in a girl like you even if you try your hardest to be the ideal type he wanted, you wouldn't be able to achieve it.

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