Chapter 3

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I opened my eyes. 

Where am I? 

I took a deep breath. I realized I wasn't breathing in air...I was breathing in water. 

Panicking, I started searching for a way out. If I was underwater, how was I breathing so easily?

"Having fun there?"

I turned around, and sure enough, there was Jack, who seemed to be enjoying himself. 

"What's going on?" I asked, astonished at how well we could speak underwater. But before he could answer, I saw something strange on his neck, it almost looked like...

"Gills," Jack said, as if reading my mind. "We have gills."

I reached and felt my own neck, and he was right, I had gills. It was frightening, but I loved it. 

"We don't have lungs anymore, though, so we're practically fish," Jack told me.

I didn't care. Staying down here in the middle of the ocean with Jack didn't seem bad at all. Away from the hardships of least, life as I knew it before I grew gills. 

"Come on," Jack said, starting to swim away. I followed him.

"Why is it that you always seem to figure this stuff out so fast?" I asked him, when we were side by side.

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, the gills. You didn't freak out, you just...knew what to do."

"Oh that's just cause I'm extremely smart," Jack replied, grinning. 

"Oh, whatever," I said, laughing. "But seriously. You also figured out the flying thing really fast..."

I paused because Jack looked confused. 

"Flying?" he asked. 

"Yeah," I said, also confused. 

"You can't fly with gills," Jack replied, laughing. 

Is he joking?? How can you forget something as big as flying around St. Louis at night?

"Come on, Jack, you can't be serious. Remember, we jumped off the Gateway Arch and flew around the city?" 

Jack thought for a second. 

"Hmmm, oh yeah I think I remember now!" he replied. 

I suddenly laughed. I couldn't help it. Jack must have a really bad memory if he couldn't remember flying. 

I looked around. I actually forgot for a second that we were underwater. It was cool, breathing underwater, but it was nothing compared to flying. I hoped Jack and I would be able to that again sometime...

"Wake up!" Jen said, nudging me awake. I looked around. Ugh, it was third period. "You know what would happen if Mr. Kruz caught you sleeping." 

"Yeah, yeah," I replied, rubbing my eyes. 

"Hey," Jen said, leaning over and whispering to me. "Me and few other people are gonna hang under the bleachers after school if ya wanna come."

I knew the kinds of people who hung out under the bleachers. The kids who were...let's just say they were drug addicts and usually sexually active. 

"Yeah, okay," I replied.


Sorry, short chapter! More coming soon!:)

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