Prologue/Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

"We pissed off the alpha earlier remember, Rayne?"

Rayne rolls his eyes at Trevor, so what they embarrassed the little prick and made him look like a complete idiot in front of the pack. The Alpha was just pissed he couldn't find his damn mate while even the packs' nerd found his mate Marilyn, seriously come on. It's like a huge sign over the alpha's head screaming out make fun of me! Which was an odd thought coming back to thinking about Marilyn, he means Marilyn was a super hottie and well... Hector was not the right type for her in Rayne's opinion. 

The Alpha was just wishing to be made fun of and I was the one who started it in the meeting embarrassing his pathetic ass. I had also called him out for being pathetic about searching for his mate. Why should he even think about apologizing, he's going to mate some worthless... He didn't even know what she was, but all she had to be is pathetic and slutty. All based on every woman he had dated especially the one he was with now. Rayne then grumbles out. 

"So what? I'm not fucking scared of him plus, he needs to get that stick out of his ass, maybe that worthless bitch slave can help pull it out for him."

Trevor suddenly looks around looking a bit frightened making Rayne frown at his best friend. Trevor was looking frantically in all directions as if he heard someone. Yet there was no one in sight. Why was Trevor, of all people scared, of a weak Alpha?

Trevor asks in a fearful shaky voice "Did you hear that?"

Both of them were silent and after a while, nothing, not even a needle dropped. They both looked around to see yet again, no one in the streets it was after all it was, The Dead Night and the full moon had risen. Rayne finally was done with this nonsense and decided to speak up. Rayne was fed up with Trevor's unnatural behavior. For crying out loud he was six foot three and weighed almost two hundred pounds of all muscle! He was a tank. He should never be afraid of anyone or anything! Rayne finally spoke truly pissed off 

"No, dude why are you being so paranoid? Zya will not do anything?"

Trevor looked around again as he felt like someone was staring him down. Trevor could feel the killer's eyes on his back and heart. He could swear that at any moment he would be attacked and killed by just standing here having to explain himself to Rayne. When he could do it easily in the comforts of their safe home. Trevor then spoke not looking at Rayne, making sure that she didn't pop up out of anywhere. Trevor just didn't want to be hurt or his best friend hurt by her. Trevor then says almost in a hushed voice. 

"Do you remember Alpha Zya has that one night slave... the one that does anything for him whatsoever not even questioning him... What if he has sent her out to get us?"

Trevor looks Rayne dead in the eye, he was completely honest, he was so worried about something so stupid and small. Rayne started to laugh loudly, he has heard about this pathetic woman, rumors of her killing whoever Zya ordered her to. Even got the old human man Jagger saying that she was a siren of the damned. She is rumored as the most ruthless killer who ever lived, what rubbish. I mean, if you saw her you would think she was a helpless pathetic woman. She was so skinny and small, yes, she had curves and an absolutely gorgeous face, but that's all she has going for her. 

No one in their right mind would mate with her, after all, she was only a slave and everyone knows she was born to do one thing and which was to serve her master. Who would be nothing more than that, Rayne felt bad for the poor guy who was her mate. Maybe that is why she doesn't have a mate yet, or he probably found out and rejected that little worthless slut already. Rayne smirked to himself, she was probably a good play toy though. It was so ludicrous, those rumors about her, it couldn't be true no slave would be that obedient to their masters. Plus a woman couldn't hurt him, thy Rayne. Rayne then said with a bitter tone. 

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