Same Night ... Epi .O8

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.:: Let's Skip to 7:30 pm ::.

::Jade:: damn I look sexy in this dress 

::Aj:: dang boo you look good 

::Jade:: thanks boo . . . but boo you look stunning 

::Aj:: awe thank you boo 

::Jade:: I can't wait till the guys come 

::Aj:: I know right and their mouths will drop to the floor 

::Jade:: i hear that ( gives Aj a high five ) 

::Aj:: ( high five back ) 

.:: Narrator ::. okay now the guys are at jade's house with the corsage in their hands end of pov 

.::YM:: come on in the girls will be down shortly 

::Langston:: thanks mam

::Julian:: thanks mam

::YM:: you guys are quite a gentleman 

::Julian:: (smiles ) thanks 

::Langston:: thank you ( smiles back ) 

::YM:: have a seat please 

::Julian &'d Langston:: both sat down 

.:: Then 10 minutes later the girls walk down the stairs ) 

.:: Julian Pov ::. when the girls came down those steps in their gorgeous but stunning prom dresses I ws blown away but I was looking at Jade the whole time cause she was rocking the red dress very well (smiles at jade ) end of pov 

.:: Langston Pov ::. damn when I saw Aj in her prom dress it felt like I just wanted to run up to her and just tell her she look stunning you know tonight is going to be a goodnight end of pov 

.:: Then someone knocks on the door ::.

::YM:: I'll get it 

.:: Then It was Roc with Heaven and RM was their as well ::.

::Roc:: hey mom 

::YM:: hey honey . . . awe and my little granddaughter ( hugs Roc then kiss heaven on her forehead )

::Roc:: ( hugs back ) 

::RM:: hey girl 

::YM:: hey come here and give me a hug 

::RM:: ( hugs her ) 

::YM:: (hugs back ) come on in the girls looks so pretty in their dresses 

::RM:: you know I can't miss that 

.:: so YM took Roc and his mom to where everyone else where ::.

::Aj:: mommy 

::RM:: hey honey ( hugs her ) omg baby you look so pretty 

::Aj:: thank you ( hugs back )

::Roc:: sup sis ( hugs her ) 

::Aj:: hey Rocky pooh  ( hugs back ) . . . how's my niece doing 

::Roc:: she's good as you can see 

::Aj:: I know 

::Jade:: hey roc 

::Roc:: sup jade how are you ( hugs her ) 

::Jade:: I'm doing fine and you ( hugs back )

::Roc:: I'm doing great just taking care my lil one 

::Jade:: awe can I hold her 

::Roc:: sure you can but be careful ( hands Heaven to Jade ) 

::Jade:: you know I will ( holds Heaven in her arms ) awe she's so precious 

.:: Everyone is smiling so after 25 minutes later YM and YD took pictures for their prom date and after they were done they left to go to their prom ::.

.:: Jade ::. ( write the link ] 

.:: Aj ::. ( write the link ] 

.:: Jade's &'d Aj'd Corsage ::. ( write the link )

.:: Julian ::. ( write the link ]

.:: Narrator ::. forget that girl was ever their and Plus Julian has on a black Tuxedo not white but his ties red though end of pov

.:: Langston ::. ( write the link ]

.:: Narrator ::. forget that girl was ever their with Langston okay end of pov 

.:: YN Reapers ::.

.:: YN Pov ::. omg look at my two sister's at their own prom and their dresses look so amazing I'm just so proud of the both of them but I wish I was their to tell them both that they look really pretty and everything but I'll be back cause someone is calling my name and they are interrupting my damn moment . . . see yeah ( disappears ) 

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