chapter thirty one

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"Fine," she mumbled. "Too little cuddles means a grumpy Camz, you know that." She continued with the baby voice, standing up.

"I'll make it up to you, ok?" I smiled assuringly, kissing her on the cheek.

"I'll be waiting," she stuck her tongue out and grabbed her bag which contained every necessary things a girl would need for her morning routine.

I smiled to myself, just because I could experience having a Camila in my life and calling her my best friend.

I put on my Chuck Taylors quickly and unlocked the door to our room. When I entered the other girls' room using an extra key they gave me just in case upfront, I was met with silence. Of course they were still sleeping..

I came up to the bed which Ally claimed as hers, and I shook her body delicately.

"Allycat, wake up." I called not so loudly.

"Laurennn?" she furrowed her eyebrows and put her forearm on her face, covering her eyes.

"You should get up, we don't want to waste any more time." I explained, deciding Allyson was the easiest one to wake up anyway.

"Right, okay. Give me a minute." She replied, sounding more present than earlier which earned a proud smile on my face. I succeeded with this one, two more to go.

"Manibear, your beauty sleep is over now, get your ass up." I said, coming up to the double bed where both girls lay. I could tell Mani was only half asleep and could hear me clearly.

"No, it's not enough, Laurenza. Fifteen more minutes, okay?" she murmured, shaking her head.

"No, Mani. we're running out of time. Do you want to flirt with Tampa guys or not?"

"Of course I do!" she shouted, sitting up with her eyes squinted. Well, that's a way to get her to wake up.

Another success, now I was about to face the biggest challenge – Dinah Jane Hansen, also known as the heaviest sleeper on planet Earth.

"Dinah Jane, we need you up and ready in 20 minutes." I demanded, not playing around. I was so close to her ear that she immediately turned around, hiding under the blanket. "Nope, I'm not dealing with you again, come on." I continued.

"Shush, I'm getting my rest." She mumbled into the pillow. "Don't you need to rest after your night with Mila?" she asked a second later to which Normani burst out laughing and Ally giggled.

"You know what, guys, it's not even that funny." I commented, unfazed. "Now get up."

"No, go join Camila in the shower."

"I'm seriously getting tired of this, girls." I said seriously. "Camila's getting really suspicious and she doesn't like the fact that she doesn't know what's going on. You need to stop your games."

"Stop your game and finally tell her how you feel about her." Normani spoke up from behind. I turned my head and looked her in the eyes. This time she wasn't joking.

"Not yet." I only added. "But please, control your mouths and what comes out of them." I begged.

"Okay, Lo. We'll behave. Right, Dinah?" Ally assured me. "Di?"

No response. She went back to sleep.

"Okay, that's it." I said to myself whilst grabbing Normani's phone from the bedside table. I searched for the sound of Dinah's alarm and I pressed play. I put the blaring alarm as close to her head as possible and I gained a much needed reaction. She sat up immediately with eyes wide open.

mending the pieces ~ camrenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang