"Um, I'll just be going now. Bye Bridgit" Liza said awkwardly as she stood up out of her seat and walked out of Starbucks.

"Ok spill" Louis said.

So I told him about what Stephanie said.

"Oh, Sh-she told you?" Louis said nervously with a shocked expression on his face.

"Yes, She did" I said to Louis with a calm tone. It was taking all my might to not curse him out for lying to me but I guess it's pay back since I did lie to him also. That's if he was actually lying.

"Listen Bridgit, I don't know how to say this but I only like you as a friend. I know what Harry does to girls and I guess me being the caring friend I am would do anything to get you to stay away from him so you wouldn't get hurt.. Please don't hate me now because I lied to you!" Louis said to me.

Well I guess he did lie. But I can't stay mad at him. Or even be mad at him.

I than hugged him.

"Why are you hugging me? Shouldn't you be cursing me out because I lied to you?" Louis asked me confused.

"As much as I want to curse you out for lying to me I think it's sweet that you're looking out for me.. I love you Louis bear! As a friend of course!" I said the last part while hugging Louis again.

"Awe, I love you to Bridgit the midgit!"

"Can't you make up another name? Bridgit the midgit is embarrasing!" I said while laughing.

"More embarrasing then Louis bear?"

"Yes! And I like the name Louis bear! It's a cute name for you!"

"Haha, Yea yea whatever. Anyway remember how I told you I had a fighting match coming up?" Louis said as he took my carmel latte out of my hands and took a drink of it.

"Yea, What about it?"

"It's tonight, You going to it?"

"I don't know Lou.. " I said to Louis nervously.

The reason I was getting nervous was because Louis was fighting against Harry and I honestly don't want to see Harry tonight. Or ever again.

"C'mon Bridgit. Pleaseeeeee!" Louis whined to me while dragging out the 'e' in 'please'.

"Finnee, I'll go! When is it?"

"Yay! And it's at 9o'clock, But you should probably get there early because it's going to be packed there. Well I better be going. It's almost 7 so I should go practice. I'll see you later!" Louis said as he stood up out of his chair then left.

Well it looks like I'm going to a fighting match tonight.

I just hope Harry doesn't see me there. Because I'm not in the mood to see him.

All of a sudden my phone starts ringing.

I looked at the name and number. It said private name and private number.

Who was calling me?

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Bridgit? Is that really you?!" The person on the other line of the phone said.

At first I didn't know who it was but than I realized who it was.

I couldn't believe he was calling me.

But how did he get my number?

And why did he just up and call me out of the blue?

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