[1]: Day One

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l e a h

I pressed my head against the cold window of the taxi cab, inhaling deeply as we weaved slowly through the heavy London traffic. According to my research the ride from the airport to Peter's house was only an hour and a half maximum. However, it was taking longer than that and my ass felt numb. It sucked that he couldn't pick me up from the trip and he couldn't warn me about the drive.

"We're here ma'am." the old white hair taxi driver exclaimed, only pointing out the obvious. I stare at him through the rear view mirror noting his huge grin. "Hope ye like ye stay in England ma'am." I reach over the seat handing him the pounds that should cover the fare.

I didn't have any money from here yet but Peter had sent me change. "Thank you. Keep the change." I say quickly, uncaring about whether Peter wanted it back of not. I unbuckled myself from the security system of the cab. I noticed he was waving at my father like he knew him. Maybe he did or maybe he was a friendly old man. I unlock the door and shove it as far open as possible, only to have my father usher me out. He placed me against the metal fence outside his home and begins to care for the unloading of my things.

I go towards him again trying to grab my things. "No. No I'll help, love." Peter whispers snatching my large luggage bag from the trunk of the cab. I closed the trunk as he pulls them out, immediately following him. He was larger than me and it was likely that he wasn't going to give up.

"Peter!" I yell stomping my feet on the floor. A true childish gesture by me, (who I assure you had grown up). He ignores me and takes my luggage into the room I'm assuming will be mine. It's on the second flooring of the home. Honestly, I rather be independent than give him the pleasure of my forgiveness.

"I'm your father I expect you to call me as such." he scolded poking my cheek playfully. A frown succumbs on my face. "I'm going to introduce you to our neighbours. He got me my first job in a popular film." Great, Peter is already going to torture me. With the man who practically forced him away from his family. It was that role exactly that had caused him to leave me. We walked back out of the door to the house on the right. It was identical looking to our home and right next door too. The man stood in the steps of home seems as if he was waiting for us.

"Hello, Pete." I heard this man greet. I looked over seeing me dad shaking his hand then pull back.

"Andy this is my daughter, Leah." my dad nudged me a bit to wave. I gave out a forced smile and waved. Wanting to hide and sleep off my jet lag. Andy could probably tell my discomfort because he gave me a weird look.

"Well Rebecca and Emmy are out shopping. I will tell them they missed out on meeting a fine American lady. They will be coming back in twenty minutes or so. " Andy reveals glancing down at his clock. I let out a sigh of relief, I could pretend I'm sleeping while those women return. I won't have to deal with anyone else today. Back into my house! "My son's Finnegan and Jackson are here. They're not usually not shy. Although, new girls make them all nerves." Andy chuckles giving a look to my father. I stare at my dirty converse. Half embarrassed to be meeting people my age presented like this.

"Erm...Dad what is it?' I heard two masculine voices ask in near unison. Creepy. I peek up surprised to find two of the most handsome set of identical twins ever. Their amazing jawline caught me first, the soft plump looking pink lips, the perfect hairstyles. Had someone copied and pasted a magazine male model? As their father whispered to them, words I can't hear, I made sure to close my mouth. Drooling isn't a proper way to first meet someone.

One of them steps forward readying to present himself to me. "Hello I'm Finnegan. I prefer Finn though." he stated playing with his hair. I crave to run my hands through his supple hair. He gives me a smile. Like he read my dirty thoughts. I blush.

"I'm Jack." the other boy stated giving me slight eye contact. He definitely seemed more reserved than the other one.

"I'm California from Leah" I managed to say. My hand curls into a fist and I want to punch myself hard. Suddenly they start laughing obviously sure they've meet a total idiot. "I'm Leah from California." I corrected myself. To late for playing it cool. "And apparently I'm experiencing jet lag."

They looked at each other then back at me. Here I was in a new country across an entire ocean staring at two most handsome pair of twins in the face and I just said that. I lost my chance if I ever even had one.

"Well, Leah how about a little tour of our home?" he asked. I couldn't refuse the offer. Especially since it was very rude to act that way towards strangers. I nod hesitantly following the twins as they walked inside. I want to speak the other one, Jack? I reach for his shoulder, but he vanishes. I was shocked for a while. Does he not like me? I barely even know him.

"Does he not like me?" I asked. My blush from earlier starting to fade away. The heat was giving way from my cheeks. Finn gives me a pitiful look and a shrug. Now I felt like London wouldn't be to kind to foreign people.

We went on to the tour of the lovely home. He explained the differences of England and America. Like the fact that their houses were next to each other. He claimed he found it strange how American houses in the movies he's seen and the neighborhoods he'd visited were so apart from one another. Another way we differed was our government, he'd talk about the Queen in such a positive light it made me feel like I wanted to meet her too. During the tour he reminded me our houses were probably exactly the same and he told me about our bedrooms. They would be next to each other but no windows would be there.

As he spoke I noticed the home was larger than my own back at home. My mom and I lived in an apartment in Downtown LA. Our walls were thin and I lived next to a pervert named, Tom.

"Leah, you got all of that?" he asks.

"Yeah." I lie. Finn smiled and gave me a hand signal to keep following him. He opened a dark wooden door to what I assumed was his room. Opening it I knew I was right as the smell of strong cologne hit me. At least I'd have one twin like me.

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