Chapter 5

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Hey guys, make sure to listen to the video while you read this! Personally this video makes me cry but I thought it might add effect. This chapter will probably be kinda bad because remember what I said about starting things and giving up on them? Yea that's starting to happen.

Kaneki's P.O.V.

After we finished our dinner Uta-chan paid the bill (much to my hesitation) and we headed out. He asked for my address so he could walk me home, I gave it to him and as we were about to cross the street I was pleasantly surprised when he grabbed my hand and ran with me across the street. After a while though I noticed Uta-chan kept looking behind us, I wanted to see what was causing him such distress so I looked over my shoulder and saw that 5 guys were following us.
"It's going to be alright Kaneki, don't worry I'll protect you no matter what."
With that he gave me a smile and we started to walk a little faster. Unfortunately to get to my apartment we were going to have to walk through an alleyway. When we started though it Uta-chan grabbed my hand a started sprinting through the dark.
"Uta-chan! What are you doing?"
"I'm protecting you Kaneki."
When we turned the corner he pushed my down gently so that I was sitting between a couple of trash cans. I gave him a confused look and was about to ask what he was doing before he put a finger to my lips and shushed me.
"I'm sorry."
"What do you-"
Before I could finish my sentence I felt a sharp pain on the side of my head. As Uta-chan's face started to get blurry I realized he had hit me, and the last thing I saw was Uta-chan getting up and walking away before everything went black.

Uta's P.O.V.

After I knocked Kaneki out I walked back into the alley only to see that the guys were gone. This confused me because I knew they wouldn't give up easily. Before I could ponder this more I heard a sound behind me and felt excruciating pain in my stomach. Looking down I sawma pair of blood stained hands sticking out of my stomach as a  red flower blossomed across my skin. The hands disappeared and I fell to the ground coughing up blood. Why am I so weak? I should be stronger after just eating, yet I feel weaker than I ever have.
"Maybe you should've checked that soup before you ate it."
Whipping around I saw Ayato standing behind me smirking.
I spat blood at him but he casually stepped to the side and advanced on my with an evil glint in his eyes. When he reached me the 4 other guys approached from the shadows and they all joined in kicking my body. Pain shot through my being, with each kick I found it harder to draw in breaths. I heard my rib break and I screamed in pain as it broke through the delicate skin covering my chest. After they had beat me into a bloody pulp, they  walked away laughing, when I was certain they were gone I started to drag myself towards Kaneki's unconscious body. Finally after crawling at a slow, agonizing pace I reached him. All I could do now was hope he would forgive me for the sin I was about to commit.
"I'm sorry Kaneki, in the end I wasn't even able to protect you from myself."
I grabbed his wrist and bit into soft flesh. I could taste his warm blood sliding down my throat as the flavor of his sweet skin danced on my tongue. When I was full I gently put  his hand down and collapsed onto the dirty cement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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