Chapter 3

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Hey guys just wanted to say that I'll probably be publishing a chapter a day so yea... Also I'd like this story to be 15 chapters long but I'll probably get lazy and only write 10 so sorry bout that. Anyway guess I'll start writing chapter 3 now, enjoy!

Uta's P.O.V.

I looked into Kaneki's shocked eyes and smirked.
"Hey Kaneki, nice to see you."
I walked past him and into Anteiku spinning quickly around to face him my smirk only grew as I realised he didn't have a damn clue what was going on.
"Um... H-hey Uta-chan, w-what are you doing here?"
I laughed as his face turned bright red and decided to mess with him a bit. I walked closer so that we were just inches apart and put a disappointed look on my face.
"I came here to see you Kaneki, but if you don't want to see me i guess I'll leave."
"Oh! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings Uta-chan it just came as a surprise to see you here. Please don't leave!"
I grinned at the sight of him getting so flustered and reluctantly stepped away from him.
"It's fine, I was just messing with you. Would you mind getting .e a cup of coffee?"
"Yea sure, right away."
I watched him walk behind the counter and as he began to make my coffee I decided to make my move.
"Hey Kaneki when do you get off of work?"
"Erm in about 15 minutes I think."
"Would you like to go get dinner with me then?"
I saw his face turn red once again as he looked up at me with those adorable grey eyes.
"Um, y-yea that sounds fun."
"Alright cool, I'll be back in about a half an hour then."
As I was walking towards the door he called out my name

"Hey Uta-chan? You forgot your coffee."
"Oh, the coffee was just an excuse to talk to you. I'll see you later Kaneki."
I walked out the door and was hit with a blast of freezing air but i didn't care because my plan had been put into action. I couldn't stop smiling as I walked back to the shop humming a lullaby my mother had sung to me as a child. (If you couldn't already tell the "lullaby" is Unravel a.k.a the theme song of Tokyo Ghoul)

Kaneki's P.O.V.

My heart was still pounding as the shop door slowly shut. Exited at the prospect of eating dinner with Uta later I went through my shift in a frenzied hurry. After I was done working I went upstairs to take a shower and get changed. Walking into the bathroom I headed to the shower and turned on the water. As I was undressing I wondered where we were going to go since we couldn't eat human food. I stepped into the relaxing hot water and washed my hair and body. After I had finished showering I wrapped myself in a towel and put on a dark blue sweater and black jeans. I towel dried my hair and put on converse before walking into the shop. I was shocked at seeing Uta sitting on a stool laughing with Touka.
"Hey Kaneki, ready to go?"
"Um yea."
Touka smiled at us and started wiping down the counter as we headed out the door. I grabbed my coat and scarf off the hook and hurriedly put them on before we walked out into the winter wonderland that was Tokyo.
"Hey Uta-chan, um where are we going?"
"It's a surprise Kaneki. I can't ruin it for you."
I looked up at Uta-chan to see him smiling down at me. I blushed and quickly looked at the ground.
"I've gotta show you something before we eat."
He pulled a blindfold out of his pocket and laughed at my look of dismay. He gently tied it around my face before grabbing my hand and pulling me into a fast walk. After what seemed like forever we stopped and he pulled off my blindfold. My face broke into a smile as I looked around. We were on a street with Christmas lights lining the trees around us. I looked at the glimmering lights in wonder and turned to see Uta looking at me, again he was smiling.
"Uta-chan this is beautiful!"
"I'm glad you like it. You know I don't think I've ever seen you smile before."
"Oh... Um... Well..."
"You should do it more often, its cute."
I blushed and we started walking down the street. It was with lights shimmering and snow flakes falling around us that i realized, he had never let go of my hand.

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