"I got you a present, but I thought you might want to open it in here,"he smiled sheepishly.

"Thank you Luke, but you know you didn't have to-"I started, but he cut me off.

"Yes I did! It's your eighteenth birthday today!"he exclaimed, waving his hands in the air excitedly.

I poked him in the arm teasingly,"I'm starting to think that you are more excited about this than I am."

He blushed,"I'm just really happy for you."

This caused me to blush as well, causing us to go into an awkward, mutual blush. Thankfully, it was broken as he handed me the small bag, which I eagerly accepted. I plucked the tissue paper out and peered inside. First, I pulled out a guitar pick. It was beautiful. It was a shiny, metallic gold that had cursive words written on it in black, collaging together. Love. Hope. Dream. Luck. Forever. Fly. Those were just some of the beautiful words that I picked out.

"Flip it over,"Luke whispered in my ear, causing shivers to shoot down my spine.

I obediantly flipped over the work of art and almost gasped. The back of the pick had something scrawled on it in sharpie. As i looked closer, I could make out a name- Jason Aldean. I loved his music. He was, like, my favorite modern country singer. I turned around and hugged the life out of Luke, him returning the gesture.

"That's not all,"he said as we pulled away.

I scrunched up my eyebrows and reached my hand into the tiny bag once again. This time, I pulled out a small, velvet black box. Anothr gasp escaped my lips when I spotted what was inside. They were earrings, studs to be exact. They were in the sape of a heart with diamonds encrusted on half of it, exactly like my necklace.

I quickly took them out of the box and removed my current earrings before replacing them with my new ones. I turned to him and he smiled.

"I saw the necklace that your grandparents got for you and I thought that this would match it. Do you like it?"he asked, suddenly nervous.

"No,"his face dropped, before I said,"I don't like it, I love it!"

His expression went from sad to relieved in less than a second. Then, the car came to a stop. We all hurriedly got out and walked through the extremely crowded parking lot.

I'm not really surprised. After all, I had invited the whole senior class, plus a few juniors and a scattering of some college friends that I had met through Clark. Thankfully, my parents had also requested a VIP section, so that me and my closest friends could chill without being constantly grinded on. Best birthday ever, right?

I practically squealed as we exited the car and made our way to the front entrance. I was bounciing on the balls of my feet as Luke made small talk with the bouncer who was apparently a big fan. When the wind picked up, I would shiver. Why did it have to be fall?

Finally, the conversatin finished and we entered the bouncing club. Music blasted around me, blocking out any other noise. The place was dark except for a few strobe lights and disco balls. There were atleast a hundred people dancing and grinding on each other in the middle of the dance floor. Some of them were holding plastic cups of punch, which I happen to know is spiked with vodka.

A small smile was on my lips as we made our way to the VIP section. There, I found Sean and his girl, Samantha, Jared, a few college friends, and some Juniors.

"Hey guys,"I greeted the bunch as the bouncer lifted the rope to let us in.

"Happy Birthday!"they shouted excitedly.

Redneck Romeo [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now