Chapter 1

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"Oh come on! Living in Hollywood is not the end of the world Viv. I promise that I will call you and tell you all about the place and my roommate" I said parking next to a gorgeous 2012 blue mustang convertible to the left of me.

Damn that car was beautiful. I only wonder what kind of person drives it. The shiny paint job sparkled with every glance I took. The white racing stripes, and finally the white interior. I wish I could drive something like that.

I shut my car door and locked it with a click of a button. "You should see this car next to me Viv. She's beautiful"

"Really? Scar I do not care about a car" her voice echoed throughout my phone as I pushed through the front doors of the apartment complex leading me into the lobby.

"Viv. Shush you know cars are my thing leave me alone" I sighed reading the sign on the elevator 'Out of order. Please use stairs sorry for the inconvenience' I blew hot air through my lips and huffed climbing the stairs. "I got to go. Gotta find the room and meet my roommate. I hope he's not a stuck up Hollywood boy"

"Kay. Text me and tell me all about it. And all about him" She smiled hinting further and further into some problems.

I nodded and put the phone into my pocket after hanging up. "9B. I guess this is it?" I asked letting myself in I tossed on of my duffle bags on the couch and looked around "Hello? Is anyone here?"

"Hey... Who. Are. You?" A boy asked he froze walking into the other room. He was wearing a long sleeve dark purple v-neck and dark blue jeans along with white high tops that seemed to be trending. His hair was blonde and looked like it took him forever to style in the morning. But, that smile. Not that he was smiling, because he wasn't but a few sets of dimples bordered his lips.

"Scarlett Dylan.. I'm rooming with you. Well, I think I am. Your Chad Dylan Cooper right?" I said showing him the rental papers.

Roommate: Cooper Dylan Chad (19)

I smiled slightly as he showed me his papers.

"Umm. Well, I'm supposed to be rooming with a Dylan Scarlett so you must have the wrong room and a whole lotta typos" he said trying to cut everything short. The conversation and the attempt at trying to figure this out.

"Oh well I'm Scarlett Dylan. And it's last name, first name on the papers" I said smirking sarcastically pointing at my name.

"Oh thank god! Now I won't have to rip on my nerd of a roommate because his last name is Scarlett" He threw his fists into the air excited to hear all this.

"Nice. So are you going to show me around?" I asked pushing that conversation aside and grabbed my suitcase from the couch

"Yeah. Kitchen, living room, bathroom, my room and yours." He spun around rather quickly pointing to every room.

I sighed and walked into my room throwing my bag on the bed.

Closet, Dresser, flat screen tv (50' inch), and a bed with white covers and two pillows already there.

"Hey, Chad! Are you from Hollywood?" I asked starting to unpack already. I opened the top drawer and threw my underwear and bras in it. Surprisingly there was an unmentionable amount of lace and silk even for me. I quickly threw everything in and closed the drawer before Chad came in and made me all uncomfortable as I carefully organized just that.

"Yeah I am. Do you not know who I am? Chad Dylan Cooper?" He smiled leaning on my door watching me unpack.

"Umm. Your from Mackenzie Falls duh. I was just trying to blow it aside. I honestly don't care that your on that show" I said handing him a pair of my shoes "Can you put those in the closet for me there's a shoe rack"

He nodded slowly and watched me continue to unpack. "How many shoes do you have?!"

"Not many... Can I trust you to go grab my other duffle bag in the trunk of my car? It's the red challenger next to that beautiful blue mustang convertible" I asked tossing him my keys. I hope he doesn't take off with it. He just screams hot boy that would steal something like that.

"Yes. You can. It's not like I'm going to get in and take off" he laughed almost reading my mind. He twirled his finger sarcastically and wandered out to the hall and ran downstairs outside to grab my bag.

I immediately picked up my phone and called Viv. "Come on pick up!" I mumbled trying to call her before Chad came back.


"Oh my god. Do you remember that joke we shared about Chad Dylan Cooper? Well, Viv that is real. I'm not even kidding" I sighed putting my head in my hand breaking down on what i just said. What happens if the rest of the cast wants to get together for something? I'm screwed I don't do well with this. I'm surprised I kept my cool on him being who he is.

"Okay. Well, calm down no worries. I'll tell you what you gotta do" she said and I was already taking mental notes. "First: Make him your friend. Second: Make him take his shirt off" she was giggling like a classic fan girl making fun of the situation.

"Oh yes. Definitely like he's going to take his shirt off in front of me" I sighed trying to calm myself down. My cheeks were beet red from blushing and I honestly looked like crap. My hair was up in a loose bun with strands of hair stringing out from all sides. I was wearing leggings and black sandals along with a black & red checkered flannel sleeves rolled up to my elbows and I just put my glasses back on because my contacts were bothering me. I looked so unbelievably lazy and unpresentable.

"Viv. My roommate is Chad Dylan Cooper from Mackenzie falls" I breathed again and heard him walk in again with my bag on his shoulder.

He was wincing every once and while with having those tiny frog muscles of his actually work just to carry a light suitcase.

"I got to go" I said and hung up before he came back in and threw the bag on my bed it bounced slightly as I stared at him expecting him to help me.

"That's a nice car you got there. I started her, I hope you don't mind" he said tossing me my keys.

"Nah it's fine. I just hope you didn't scratch her picking up my bag. You've got the tiniest muscles I've ever seen" I said grabbing his arm looking at his bicep.

"Stop!" He laughed giggling as if I was tickling him. Seriously? That's hilarious.

"No seriously there like noodles!" I cried laughing letting go of his arms making him look at me.

"Screw you" he mumbled turning back to the hall we all shared.

I mean if you want... Oh my god I can't believe I was thinking like that. I pushed all of Viv's hilarious comments to the back of my head and just listened to him crack jokes and trying to make him my friend. 

I'm just hoping this goes well. I don't think it's the best idea to have both a girl and a guy rooming together but of course I don't make the rules. That and I can't get over that I'm actually going to be living with Chad Dylan Cooper. Why can't it be someone normal? Just saying Hollywood superstar is not normal.

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