Chapter Seven: Rendezvous and Recapitulate

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Frank POV:

I woke up still on the floor with my apartment dark. I couldn't see a thing as I positioned myself on my hands and knees. I crawled around my familiar apartment and found a light switch. I flipped it on and shielded my eyes. My mouth felt dry. It was like I hadn't had water in days and I was running around in the desert. I carefully got onto my feet and stumbled into the kitchen. My whole body felt weak and I felt lightheaded. I had to try several times to open up my water bottle because my hands wouldn't cooperate. I had to use all of my strength just to move it towards my mouth and take a large gulp. I finished two water bottles before my throat felt good enough to talk. I didn't know the date or the time, but I wasn't worried about that. I wasn't upset that I had passed out, I was just angry that my dealer didn't tell me what the injection was. The label had only said OX. I couldn't remember if he had given me a warning when he had handed it over, but I severely hated myself for even trying it. I felt disgusted with myself. I tried the push Lauren's story out of my head, but it was fighting back. Taking the injection had been a serious mistake.

I felt around my pockets until I pulled out my small flip phone, turned it on, and then checked the time. It was around midnight. I sat down on my couch heavily and checked my missed calls. I had three from Gerard and one from my dealer. I listened to Gerard's voice-mails one by one before I felt like a horrible person.

"Hey, it's Gerard. I see you found my mini office," Gerard let out a small laugh, "Anyways, I'm sorry about falling asleep on you yesterday. Thank you for my key and locking the door for me as well. So, uh, call me back when you get this."

The next message from Gerard sounded weird and his voice was slurred, "Hey, Frankie, you never called. I- I don't know why you hate me, but you do." Gerard had paused in the message and I guessed that he was drunk, "I just want you to know that the diner is bad. It's a bad place, Frankie. It's a bad place for everyone and I hate being alone-" The phone hung up in the middle of his sentence and I was glad.

The third message was what really got nervous, "Uh, wow, I'm sorry about that last call. I guess I wanted to know why you gave me your number if you weren't even going to answer. I guess I'll see you during our next meeting. So, uh, I guess this is a goodbye. Goodbye."

The phone's voice-mails shut off and I wanted to call Gerard, but I figured he was asleep and I needed to call my dealer back. I dialed his number angrily and waited. He answered on the fifth ring.

"Hey, Frank. You missed my call yesterday. Where have you been, dude? We have business in ten minutes and I'm freaking the fuck out." My dealer sounded frantic.

"I took one of your test injections. I have no idea what day it is, Jason. Fuck, I've been out a while. I can tell."

"Well, I know I called yesterday so we can take a whole day out of your life. Which was it? Oh, and you should be getting a call in ten and a deal around thirty." I didn't feel an ounce better.

I sighed into the phone, "I've got a calendar. I'll check that. I took the one labeled OX. What the fuck was it? I got real bad stomach pains, hallucinations, vomiting, and I passed out for-" I stopped talking when I came to my calendar, "I've been passed out for two fucking days, Jay!"

Jason laughed into the phone, "How much did you take? I warned you when you got it. I told you to inject just a little or you'd possibly OD."

My eyes widened, "Holy fuck, Jason! You need to start putting warning labels on the fucking test syringe. I took the whole damn thing!"

I could feel my body shaking. I was pissed, but Jason seemed to think that I was funny, "Dude, fuck, we would've been caught. Be more careful, man. Any who, get off the phone in case our customer calls. See you later, bro."

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