Chapter Thirty Two// We're Done

Start from the beginning

He withdraws his body from mine and heads towards my door. With a last glance over his shoulder, our eye's connecting one last time. His presence then vanishes from my door frame and I hear footsteps lead down stairs. The door then closes.

I flop onto the sheets on my bed and exhale, letting out the breath of air I only just realise I have been holding. Placing my hand on my heart, the remembrance of Nathan's lips on mine replays in my mind, beating my heart faster than ever. I change into my PJs and slide under my covers in bed, lowering my head onto the pillow. I switch off my light and drift off into a sleep with my lips still lift up into a wide smile.


"So you two are like boyfriend girlfriend now?" Giggles Lacy as we enter Starbucks, Saturday morning, about a week after my miraculous kiss with Nathan that I still can't stop thinking about. By now my injures are completely gone, my face free again from nasty bruises. With a harsh hush I demand Lacy to be quiet using the gesture of my finger over my lips.

"Please, people from our school are here, I don't want them hearing false information. Rumour's spread quickly you know."

"Yeah, I know. And so do the whole of Laura's table over there," Lacy nods over to the left. I stop in my path as I see all her friends glare at me with pierced eyes. Turns out they saw me before I noticed them. Beth snarls under her breath before turning her back towards me to continue her conversation with Laura, probably bitching about me. Seems as if she is all better now.

"Come on," I murmur to Lacy, quickening my pace towards the counter. We buy our drinks and decide to take them out. There is no way I am prepared to sit in there with all the death glares that were targeted at me.

Considering we have our drinks we can't browse in any shops so we just wonder around the streets and gaze aimlessly into shop windows. "So, do you regret it then, the kiss?" She asks as we stroll down the centre of town.

"I feel guilty for Laura's sake, but there was this spark I can't quite define about the kiss that just makes me feel... I just feel so..."

"In love?" Lacy swoons, acting so dramatic- no difference there then. I swat her arm with a slight smile of indication.

"If you want to put it like that, then yes. I felt loved. Not in love, but something along those lines. Probably for the first time as well," I blush as Lucy nudges me with scrunched up eyes and a huge knowing grin. "Go on then, tell me you told me so."

"Pardon?" We stop in our tracks and move to the side, out of the way.

"You said I liked him, but I disagreed. Turns out, you were right."

"Oh yeah, I definitely told you so!" We spend the next few minutes in friendly laughter. Both of us are giggling and playfully hitting each other as we continue to discuss my time so far with Nathan. "So you did it then? Have you got the real Nathan back?" Lacy asks with a hopeful smile.

"I think so," I reply with a thoughtful gaze. "It depends who he's with. But whenever he's with me, I know who he is. And that is the real Nathan."

"You say my name?" A sudden blow of hot breath tickles the side of my neck. A pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me against a strong chest from behind. Nathan's cologne wafts up my nose and I sigh in delight of his presence, knowing the fragrance matches up to him.

"Yeah, was just talking about you," I turn my head so our eyes connect. Being so close, he is near enough to kiss, but I restrain the urge as we are in public- not to mention the smirk Lacy probably has growing across her face right now. I want to glare at her yet I don't want to let my eyes leave his.

"You free tomorrow?" He whispers, holding my hands and turning me in front of him. The way the sleeves on his shirt are tight around his bicep make my mouth dry. I blink multiple times to snap back to reality, a place I am far from right now.

"Yeah, I am," I answer with a hesitate intake of air, realising I am on the verge of drooling. He is so hot, how is it legal?

"Great, coz you're not now," he winks, only turning me on even more.

"Yeah? How come?" I giggle, trying to act cute. I like him, I want him to feel the same way.

"Because your coming my house. We got a pool built into our garden, want to try it out?"

"Sure. I'll be there."

"I know you will. So I'll see you tomorrow?"

"See you then," I watch with a fixed smile as Nathan releases my hands and walks away and soon out of sight.

"He is so into you!" Says Lacy more excited than I am. "I guarantee you two will be dating after tomorrow. Your ship name could be Pathan!"

"Pathan, I like it," I muse. "I guess we'll just have to see," I grin.


1st... Who knew it was Laura???

2nd... Are you glad Nathan & Laura have broken up?

3rd... What do you think will happen at Nathan's house? (Clue- Pool, bikinis, trunks, under water) 😉😀

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