Thoughts Part 1

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And the sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never harm me?
Just do your homework and close your legs and life will come more easily.
But they didn't tell me about the words that reverberate in my head space, or that guys can be your friends for life and I will have your back to the end.
You see tradition stops evolution and keeps you in a bubble, we judge what we don't know because the truth makes us uncomfortable.
So before you judge us do me a favour and walk a mile in our shoes.
But do you feel what I feel sir? Come live in my skin for a day or two.
Feel free to stay for a week or more but I give you 5 minutes maximum.
I am T_M_SO? let me get that straight and I do NOT care about your reactions.
I will speak the truth for everyone, someone had to put it straight.
I'll drive past the dying man in a 3rd world country and put on my shades in my fathers Mercedes Benz.
I mean why should I care, I don't know the guy? But yes we all do!! That's part of the lie.
We're in the titanic and there's only a handful of lifeboats to spare, so what do you think is going to happen when we're the last ones on there?
So blissfully ignorant, we sit and we watch; self consumed with the things that we've all got.
We've forgotten that there's a bigger picture perhaps, but majority couldn't answer if you asked "what is that?"
I have no photographer or producer or image consultant, this is all me and me alone and I'll tell it the way I see fit to go about it.
It you're struggling, if it hurts when there's no where to turn, please go find a human, not all hearts have burnt.
Or send me a message in the question box, I've been where you are and I'll help you get out.

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