Chapter 14- Can It Be True?

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-Author's Note- This is Frank's POV not Mikey's. Please understand that.

-Frank's POV-

When I saw her on the kitchen table covered in blood, something broke inside me. I think it was my heart. I realized I really was in love with her. I never should have broken up with her. This is all my fault! If she doesn't make it, there is no point for me to continue my life. I think I should be her boyfriend again. Maybe even something more? She loves me and I love her. I realized we aren't that different, but if we are, opposites attract right? God, I feel like shooting myself right now. Hugging Paisly and seeing everyone crying made me see how much pain I've caused. I just don't know what to do. I might as well tell everyone what happened. "Guys this is my fault." I managed between bursts of tears. "WHAT?!" Paisly yelled. "I-I- I broke up with her!" I stumbled over my words. "Why?!" Mikey yelled scooting closer. "I th-thought we just weren't good for each other. I thought I wasn't good e-enough for her." I stammered.  "She loves you, she has loved you from sixth grade, and she always will love you, Frank. I've never seen anyone more in love." Paisly said hugging me. Lot's of hugging, but now I don't mind. "As soon as she's better there's something I have to do. I'm going to ask her to marry me." I said and breathed a sigh of relief. Everybody looked at me and stared. Paisly sniffed and smiled, a real smile. Like a ray of sunshine through the rain clouds. Gerard came back with a bandage on his arm and his eyes were the size of tennis balls. I asked, "What's the matter Gerard?" His eye twitched and he looked in my direction. "That was the biggest effing needle in the world...." His eyes got wider and he hugged his knees to his chest. I laughed and thought about how he just saved Kat's life. "Gerard.... Thank you. I can never thank you enough. Just.... Thanks brother...." I told him. "No problem other brother, we all love her. You'd have done the same thing in a minute. We all would have." Everybody nodded in agreement . "Group hug?" I asked. Everybody moved in together and hugged me. We all sat on the floor in a circle.

-Ray's POV-

"I think we all should make a video and show it to her after she gets better!" I suggested. "Yeah!" Bob said excitedly. We all checked our pockets for a phone but we couldn't find one. "Oh hey! Found mine!" Frank said like a hyper five year old. Paisly took it and started her video, "Kat you didn't have to do this! We all love you, we always will! Frank loves you too. He's heartbroken because you did this." She passed it to Mikey. "Kat I love you, in the sister way of course. But it hurts all of us because you did this. Our worlds would crumble without you-" He was interrupted by a doctor coming to us. He left the video running to catch what he had to say. "Kat Byrne's family?" We all stood up and walked to him. Mikey was recording the whole thing. "Well, I've got some good news, and bad news." The doctor said. "Yes?!" Frank asked hopefully. "Well the good news is, thanks to Gerard, she'll be fine." We all breathed a sigh of relief. The doctor continued, "But the bad news, she'll be in a coma for a day or two from lack of blood." Frank sighed and said, "Thank you doctor! Are we allowed to stay here?" "Yes you are." The doctor said and walked away. Mikey looked into the still recording phone, "Looks like we are spending the night here." and passed it to Bob. Then Gerard, and me, and finally Frank. Most of ours were just I love you's and you better get well soon's. Frank's was much more, it showed his whole entire heart. He started crying three times, too. We all teared up a little.


We all sat on the huge couch. We had all slept sitting up on the massive couch. It was opposite Kat's bed. I just sat on the left side of the couch hugging my knees all night. I didn't sleep. I tried my hardest not to blink, for fear I would fall asleep. Mikey still had his eyes closed but said anyway, "GET YOUR FOOT OFF MY THIGH! MOVE GERARD!!!" "Dude, I'm not touching you, I'm way the eff over here!" Gerard said and stood up. His eyes got wide and he pulled a small notebook and scribbled something down. Gerard looked up from the notebook then to me. He said, "You don't look too good Frank." "I'm okay, I'm fine." I lied. "What were you writing?" I asked looking at the notebook. "Nothing, it's just some doodles." He said about to put the book away. I jumped up knocking Ray off the couch. "The f***?!" He yelled after he hit the floor. I rushed to Gerard and attempted to grab the book. Him being taller than me, he held the book above his head. "GIVE. ME. THE. BOOK!" I said between jumps. I gave one last jump and came down with the book. "I SMELL NEW SONG!" I blurted and flipped open the book. I ran down the hallways avoiding Gerard. I finally ducked behind a food cart and started to read. It was beautiful. I started to cry because the lyrics were about Kat. I walked back to Kat's room to find everyone awake. I sat next to Gerard and started to cry all over again. He wrapped me in a tight hug and whispered, "She'll be okay. Everything will be okay." "Gerard?" I asked, "I really liked those songs, I think we should publish them." He looked at me and picked up the notebook, "You think so?" By now all the guys had moved around us. "What songs?" Bob asked looking at Gerard's song book. "Sing them Gerard." Mikey said, looking blank, showing no emotions. Gerard said, "This one is called, Heaven Help Us." He began to sing loud enough for all of us to hear but soft enough to not let anyone outside the room hear. Ray looked down at the floor, Bob shifted his weight, and Mikey closed his eyes. I swear I saw a single tear fall down his cheek. I was staring at Kat, Paisly had moved her chair beside Kat's bed. I have never seen her so worried. Gerard broke my thoughts with, "This one is called Cemetery Drive." Something made me whip my head to the side and close my eyes. I saw the cover of an album and Gerard's song was playing. It had music to it and I saw a guitar appear. It was white and had something written on it in shining silver letters. The letters spelled out, "Pansy". Everything went dark and it felt like I was sleeping. The album cover came back but this time, as I looked at it, it shattered into a thousand pieces. "NOOO!!" I screamed and opened my eyes. "FRANKIE?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Gerard was screaming at me and shaking my shoulders. My eyes snapped open fully and came into focus. "GERARD GIVE ME THE NOTEBOOK!" I shouted. "What?" He asked looking confused. It was then that I realized I was laying on the hospital floor looking up at Gerard. I was also shaking and sweating. "What do you mean 'what?', the notebook in your back pocket." I answered. "Frank, I don't have a notebook. What are you talking about?" Gerard asked me. "You were singing a song from the notebook and.... and.... What happened?" I questioned. Mikey piped up from the back, "We were all just talking, and you were hugging your knees to your chest, staring at the floor. Then your  head whipped to the side and you fell off the couch unconscious. You started shaking and sweating and then you yelled no and woke up." "Oh..." I said and scooted to an empty corner of the room. I hugged my knees once again. I started singing the song that didn't exist, Heaven Help Us. The tears started falling but I didn't stop them. Apparently I had never tried to get the book from Gerard, Ray never fell of the couch, and those songs weren't real. But what about the album cover, and the guitar I saw? It was a beautiful guitar, shiny, polished, and new. What did it all mean? I loved the cover, it was a picture of a couple about to kiss, but they were drenched in blood. Wait, I think Kat just moved her lips. I stood up and walked to her bed. She mumbled something, "What is it Kat?" I asked, but I knew she couldn't hear me. "I....Love....You...." She said. I gripped her hand and let a tear fall. "I love you too, more than you will ever know." I said tracing her cheek with my finger. She started crying, but it was a peaceful crying. Then she bolted up to a sitting position. Thank God!

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