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Nora gazed outside the window, a silent movie filling her vision.

She ignored the throbbing ache in her elbow, which was currently perhaps a harsh red. It had been an hour now of it being propped up by the metal outline of a television. A window, that's what others called it. Not Nora, she firmly believed it was a television, it just had to be. A better one than the idiot box lying hot in a household. This showcased the truth; what was right there not just an illusion, unlike the other one.

The one which made you hate reality.

She couldn't change channels, she couldn't increase the volume, but that was the beauty of it. The different hues of nature would fly by, by their own will and she would sit at ease, wrapped in a thin blanket of cool air.

"Ticket to where, madam?"

Nora took her own time, lazily turning her head towards the solitude-intruding bus conductor. She tilted her head slightly and let out a faint sigh.

Anywhere, she thought dryly.

Nora considered this to be a valid reply to the questioner, but he sure wouldn't. Deciding to shift to the comparatively rational other end she finally spoke, "To the last stop."

The conductor's or Adam's, as his badge suggested, sharp nose wrinkled upon him comprehending her reply. "To the last stop? That would take a day, besides no one is going there-

Nora cut him halfway through his unasked explanation, "Yes. That's exactly where I want to go."

Adam shrugged nonchalantly, and quickly scribbled on the ticket that was now Nora's. She took it with the same speed, as if it was a bomb that would explode upon any extension of his touch. She rubbed her fingers over the small paper's rough texture all while she noticed Adam through the corner of her eye, slowly shifting away. Perhaps he was mildly shocked at her curt behaviour. Or perhaps he noticed how she was an oddball on this bustling bus.

Nora; the only one with a pensive look among a throng of excited ones, the only one deciding to give up an entire day travelling on bus rather than the express train, the only one sipping on ice tea in the cold, germ-filled monsoon weather and the only one with an old, chipped radio close by her side.

But the one thing he didn't know was that,

                                                                             she had her reasons.


something different i wanted to try out, and hopefully something a handful of you will enjoy. as usual, i'm feeling nervous, but oh well. let me know how it was. idk i might take this down.

the fab cover on the right  was made by @_aviary

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