Chapter Six

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Harry's POV
"Right, well it's nearly time for dinner, so you can either wash up and meet me outside your bedroom or come down with me to the Dining Room where everyone else is more than likely to be now." Papa asked me. "We c-could go n-now i-if y-you want to." I spoke softly, unsure about how he was treating me as Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia would have never had asked me and instead would have ordered me to do it or else I would get punished for being an ungrateful freak. "Harry! Come on we probably should get going or else the others will become worried." We then walked down to the dining room. Once there I sat down between Draco and Blaise, they both nodded to me and looked at Mr-no Father, who then nodded to each and every one of us, before starting to eat the food the elves had made. It was fabulous, but I couldn't eat a lot because if I did then I'd be up all night being sick. It's not because of the food itself it's just that I would have overfilled my tummy with too much food and so to get rid of the extra food I'd have to be sick.
Draco's POV
Everyone noticed how Harry wasn't eating as much as he should be and Papa and Father kept glancing at each other with worried looks. He was soon finished, whilst everyone else was midway through their meals, it seemed as though Papa couldn't help himself and spoke to Harry (Everyone was still eating, but we're also listening in on the conversation too). "Harry won't you be eating anymore food?" Harry then began to fidget a bit before speaking just above a whisper, "I'm not really hungry anymore." Papa simply smiled and said "Well then how about you go into the Living Room and read one of the books there whilst you wait for us. Okay?" He, Harry, nodded before standing and walked out of the Dining Room. Everyone stared at those doors for a while, shocked at how one could eat so little. "Is he serious? He's actually not hungry?" Theo questions. "Well not everyone is as much as a pig as you Theo. Honestly your even worse than the Weasel and how much he loves food so much that he practically inhales it!" Blaise says, making me and Rosanna laugh at the shocked expression that Theo had on his face. "I'm nothing like the Weasel!" Theo shouted, obviously quite offended by the comment. "Oh come on Theo, you are sooo like the Weasel from what you guys tell me about him. Just admit it so that we can help you whilst you're in this fragile state." Rosanna smirks at the end as me and Blaise are choking with laughter of the many expressions Theo is producing. I then looked up at the head table, where Papa and Father normally sit, to see that they were gone, but I knew that they wouldn't be with Harry as they probably wanted to discuss of what the options were on Harry's eating habits. "Draco! Are you finished? Cause all of us want to check to see if Pot-I mean Harry is alright." Theo asked, "Yeah, I'm finished. Let's go!" We then walked towards the Living Room, as we walked in I saw Harry sitting no the floor reading a book titled, 'Magical Creatures; Light and Dark'. Rosanna was the first to speak, "Hi Harry, my name is Rosanna, but you can call me Ros or Anna if you want to. I don't mind really."
"O-Okay, R-Rosanna." He stuttered. We all smiled, at least he was talking and not stuck in his thoughts like he was before (We told Rosanna what had happened before dinner). "Hey! How about we play a game? I'm sure we can find one on the shelves somewhere, right?" Theo suggested, we all nodded, including Harry. I guess he's starting to get comfortable around us now.
Harry's POV
I was sitting on the couch with Rosanna as Theo and Blaise were facing against each other in a game of Twister, with Draco being the Judge. "So Harry. What happened?" Rosanna turned to me, when I guess she thought the boys weren't listening to us and super engrossed in their fierce game. "Wh-What d-do you mean?" I looked at her completely blank at what she asked me. "I mean, what happened with your old family?" She looked at me with a completely blank, emotionless expression. "......" I opened my mouth to tell her, but I remembered what Uncle Vernon had warned me with before Professor Dumbledore took me away.
I was shaking from head to toe as Professor Dumbledore had stepped outside to let my family say goodbye to me forever. Uncle Vernon stalked up to be, like a predator would do before pouncing onto their prey, as threatening as he could muster with his size and to be honest it was working extremely well. "Boy, if you even dare to tell anyone, and I mean anyone, I will hunt you down and beat you up so much that you will be blue and purple and will also wish that you were never born to be a freak that you are. Understood?" He threatened me in a low voice and I could tell that he was serious about it. I nodded as quickly as I could, he waved me off and turned around, I took it as a sign and I ran as fast as I could to the person that kept me from being beaten once again.
------End of Flashback------
"I-I'm so-sorry, b-but I-I can't t-tell you." I gave her wide eyes, trying to make her understand that I would tell her but not at the time now. She smiled at me in a sad way, "It's okay, I guess it must have been bad for you too. From what the boys have told me over the years about you I kind of assumed that it was just you had enough of them and you were being an idiotic teenager that wanted to run away from their 'problems'." She used air quotes around the word problems, I guessed it must mean something much more to her than what it stands on its own.
"Hey Harry, do want to join us?" Draco asked me, I simply smiled and nodded, before standing to join them. To say I had a good time for the rest of the Summer, instead it was the best time I ever had and I couldn't wait for when it was time to come back to this glorious place. Let's just hope that this year at Hogwarts will be less hectic than it was during the last three years.

Hi! I'm so sorry it has taken me this long for a chapter, I've just had so much on my mind from the last time I updated and couldn't find any time for this one. But it's here now and I hope you'll like too! Also please vote or comment on this chapter as I'll appreciate it very much.

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