Chapter One- Nightmare

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I swore I will upload this week! And so I do! Here goes the first chapter of "Blood"!

I hope you enjoy! And please comment, vote, like... you know, all that awesome stuff xD

Chapter One - Nightmare

For most teenagers, the first day at a new school is that big cliché moment. What to wear? Who to talk to? What to say? Where to sit?

Not for me, though. The day before my first day at the new school in New Ether, I was as relaxed and as fresh as ever. Until I went to sleep, that is.

The worst nightmares aren’t those your imagination makes up.

No, the worst kind of nightmares, the ones where you wake up screaming bloody murder, with your sheets drenched in sweat, are memories. Memories of your past that you’d very much like to forget, to bury in a part of your mind you never go to.


I was twelve years old then. It was the day of my birthday. After begging my parents for hours to let me go watch a horror movie with my friends, I was giddy, and my imagination was in overdrive as I took a shortcut for my house. The movie had been terrific, and shivers still ran up and down my spine as I recalled the goriest scenes.

I ducked in a dark alley, and the walls of the two buildings lining it seemed too close for comfort. Damien was there in my mind, reassuring me, telling me I’ve taken this shortcut so many times before, and that it wasn’t any different now. But I couldn’t keep my heart from missing a beat every time I heard a noise. As I walked deeper into the darkness, my surroundings seemed to shimmer and change into something very similar, yet totally different. I registered Damien’s surprised intake of breath in my mind as I looked around.

I was in a dark alley, but the walls on both sides of me were dirty, covered with graffiti. The windows were either too dirty to see anything inside the buildings, either gaping black holes, with jagged pieces of glass protruding from the frames. The air was hot, too hot, sticky hot, the kind of hot that made your hair paste to your scalp and that made sweat run down your back. Not a gust of wind disturbed the silence, and the silence was the most strange thing about this place. Only moments before, the soft purr of the engines of the air-cars gliding on the street behind me had filled the air. Now, there was just this ominous silence.

I looked up. The sky overhead was ink-black, without stars. The moon was exactly in the middle of the sky, but it had a rusty orange-red glow, and the light it provided was creepy, hiding every corner in impenetrable shadows.

I caught my reflection in a shard of glass.

I wasn’t twelve. I was seventeen.

I wasn’t the pretty little girl with wide eyes and sleek brown hair. I was an exotic beauty with caramel-coloured skin, catlike eyes and full sensual lips. I was every man’s fantasy come true. But I was so out of place in this particular setting. This was a memory from back when I was a little pre-pubescent girl. My seventeen-year-old-self didn’t belong here.

I knew it was a dream, and I wanted to wake up, to wake up right now! I didn’t want to relive what was about to happen. Because even though I knew what came next, it still filled me with horror and dread.

Nina, calm down, it’s just a dream.


The only anchor I had, the only thing that could take me back to the real life, where I was safely tugged in my bed.

“Damien,” I whispered, my voice loud in the silence, “get me out of here. Please.”

The word “please” came out in a sob.

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