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Sans came over with a first aid kit and a small bowl of cold water. He-surprisingly gentle-used the cold water on the burn, drawing out the heat. It felt so much better and you visibly relaxed because of it. Then, he wrapped it with bandages. You were surprised by his kindness and gentleness. He wasn't scowling or smirking. He looked calm, but focused on the task at hand. He could deny friendship all he wanted, but you were so friends.

"Where's your brother?" You asked suddenly, noticing the absence of the taller, slightly scarier skeleton.

"I left 'im at Alphys' lab, and found you in Hotland. So, he's... Probably in Hotland at this point, looking for us." He said thoughtfully, pulling the bandage tight and putting the rest of the first aid stuff away. "There." He nodded with a slight smirk.

"Thank you." You said sincerely. He said nothing at this point, standing to put everything away.

"D'you want to head back to Hotland now? I'm sure your damn tired of monsters and the Underground. You wanna go home." He said, almost solemnly, in a much more serious tone that threw you off. "It's not gonna be easy. Gettin' through Hotland, and the Core. Lots of traps are set, thanks to that stupid lizard. You pissed her off pretty good. And then Asgore himself will be hell."

You blinked at him, his friendliness and warning still throwing you off. "I can do it, I think." You nodded firmly, a sense of determination filling you. "I can do it. I can get through."

"Asgore isn't gonna let you just leave. You'll have to fight him. You can't talk your way out of that one, or slip by." He warned you.

"I'll find a way. I don't want to hurt anyone if I don't have to." Then you had a thought. "Do you have a flower pot?"

What? That was incredibly random. "Why the fuck would I have a flower pot? Why do you need one?" He scowled again.

"I told Flowey I'd find him a nice flower pot and put dirt in it so he can travel in dirt." You said simply. He just stared at you.

"Humans are so fucking weird. Maybe there's one in the shed. It's out back."

You stood up excitedly. "Oh, I love traveling on your shoulders, Frisk, but I miss dirt." Flowey smiled as the two of you went to the shed outside. Sure enough, there was a cracked flower pot there. You dug up the snow and found the soft dirt beneath it, and filled the pot with the dirt. Flowey happily hopped into the dirt and wriggled down into it with a deep sigh. "Oh this feels so much better. I should be back to my full strength soon!" You lifted the flower pot and carried it back inside the house. Sans was still there, and he seemed to be deep in thought.

"We can go now." You said quietly, interrupting his thought. He looked a little startled at your sudden appearance, but nodded. You settled Flowey's pot in your backpack-which surprisingly lasted this long-and took his outstretched hand, feeling the tug of teleportation again. You were back where you were before: in front of the lasers. Papyrus was walking towards this location too.

"Ah, there you are Sans. The human is okay?" Papyrus asked, showing slight concern. For Papyrus, the concern was fake. For Sans, it was all too scarily real.

"Yeah, damn brat got a little burned but she's fine now." He shrugged, adopting an indifferent attitude.

"Once again, I have a name. It's still Frisk." You point out, crossing your arms. Neither skeleton brother gave you a second glance at that comment.

"So the lasers. You see the blue ones? If you stand still when they pass you, you'll be fine. The orange ones you have to actually move through. I promise you'll be fine." Sans explained to you. You nodded slowly. Flowey voiced more concerns, but Sans had been kind to you. A friend to you. You had to trust his word now. So carefully, oh so carefully, you approached the laser puzzle. You did as he said for each color, having a couple close calls, but made it through that puzzle. On the other side, you could turn it off, so you did so. The skeletons walked over to you easily, now that there were no lasers in the way of travel.

"How much further is the castle with the famous Asgore in it?" You asked curiously. Papyrus scoffed at your casual comments about the king.

"Through Hotland, and then the Core, which powers all of the Underground. So... Not much more before the Core, I think." Sans explained with a bored tone. "There's some hotel thing at the entrance to the Core. You could stop there if you wanted."

You nodded thoughtfully, gripping the straps of your backpack. Filled with determination again, you marched forward, with the skeleton brothers behind you. One was only thinking of taking your soul, and the other was amused by your antics, thinking you were actually kind of cute with how much you were determined to get through this.

Sans was so fucked.

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