Oh Dear...

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"So I have things to do! Things, yes... Things." Alphys giggled again. "Buuuuuuttttttttt! Make yourself at home, relax, eat something... Just don't go in the basement." She hurried out of the room, and went to the basement with a slam of the door. You blinked after her, and struggled to get out of the bed. It was just so nice...

"Let's put some supplies together for whenever we have to leave. We may have to leave in a hurry. I don't trust her." Flowey said with a dark expression.

"She seems to be friendly to me. The basement thing freaks me out a little, but she seems okay. Crazy, but okay." You explain, but started to make your way to the kitchen area. Yep. Totally cluttered here too. At least it wasn't gross in here with mysterious liquids, like a lot of the lab seemed to be. You looked through the cabinets for foods you could take with you, and while you did that, you decided to fix yourself some of the instant noodles she had. You remove the instant noodles from their packaging. You put some water in a pot and place it on the heat. You wait for the water to boil.




...It's boiling. You place the noodles into the pot. 4 minutes left until the noodles are ready.

3 minutes left until the noodles are ready.

2 minutes left until the noodles are ready.

1 minute left until the noodles are ready.

The noodles are done! ... They don't taste very good. You add the flavor packet. That's better. Not great, but better.

"That took a lot longer than necessary." Flowey commented dryly from your shoulder. You pat his petals softly as you munch on the not-great noodles. You stick some instant noodles and flavor packets into your bag. Maybe they would be better dry.

"Well, now I've got some food, so it's all good." You grinned widely, and opened her fridge to see if she had something to drink. You shrieked, slamming the door shut. Nope, nope, nope. You were not opening that door again. There were... Body parts, and bags of... You shuddered, not wanting to think about that at all. Tap water it was. Finding a clean glass-as clean as it was gonna get-you filled it with water and sipped on it thoughtfully.

The glass almost slipped out of your grip when you heard a crash through a wall. You peeked curiously and carefully into the next room. There was... You weren't sure what exactly you were looking at. It was a robot-looking thing, and it was... A man? It had four eyes, had four arms, ridiculous legs, and seemed to be moving around frantically. "Let me guess. No matter how much I ask you not to go and check it out, you're gonna go and check it out." Flowey muttered and you just nodded, slowly walking in.

"Oh, no no no... Alphys!" He yelled, running down to the basement. His voice was very mechanical sounding, and grated on your nerves a little.

"That... Was weird." You shrug. You hear strange noises, like conversation between the robot thing and Alphys and also other noises that you didn't like. There was more crashing noises, and as a result, the same robot came back upstairs. He looked absolutely frazzled.

"You! You're a human! You're not safe, no matter how much you might think you are. Alphys is dangerous, and she'll... She'll..." The robot stopped, and seemed to twitch violently. Two of his eyes that were closed opened now, and the other two that were open had closed. His yellow arms seemed to drop to his sides, and the red ones seemed to be mostly used. "A human, here..." It's voice was decidedly darker and deeper, now. "Now, you'll have to die, I'm afraid. Sorry dearie, that's the way show business works." Show business...? What? You don't have much time to question things, because you had to dodge an attack.

"ALPHYS!" You shouted, as the robot came after you.

"Come now, darling, your soul will help everyone! Just... Give it up. To me!" A dangerous giggle escaped the robot and you turned tail, running to the basement. Yes, you remembered being told not to go there... That's just where you ended up.

"Why do you do these things to me, Frisk?" Flowey groaned. "This basement is far too creepy! Besides we were told NOT come down here!"

"Shut up! You want Crazy to catch us?" You motioned to the robot still following you with dangerous eyes and a creepy-ass smile.

"Alphys will catch us down here! She scares me too!"

"Oh well! She can stop the damn thing!" You hear what sounded like gurgles of pain and begging ahead of you. The basement was creepy as hell. It was very dark, you were sure you stepped in things more than once, and you kept hearing things...

Finally, you burst through a door and found Alphys. Her lab coat was more stained than it was before, and there was a person-er, monster-on the table in front of her.

"Ohhhhh Frisk! Hello, hello. I told you not to come down he-- METTATON!" She shouted, waving around a sharp instrument in frustration. "YOU CAN'T KILL THE HUMAN YET, I HAVEN'T RUN MY TESTS!! GO ON, GET OUT OF HERE!" She then threw the sharp instrument at the robot who you assumed was 'Mettaton'.

"But Alphys.... I wanted to take their soul!" His voice, which sounded strange to you, like it was several voices speaking at once, whined.

"GET OUT!!" She shouted again, looking crazy. The robot, surprisingly, obeyed, and left. "Now, now, now.... Frisk! You broke the one rule I had... Don't come down here." Her glasses flashed dangerously, making her look even scarier and crazier than before. She grabbed your arm with a bloodied hand, and Flowey in the other, dragging you to a different room. It was a bit cleaner, but no less creepy. She tied you down to the bed with a menacing grin, and hung poor Flowey upside-down from the ceiling. "I've got to run my tests on you! Besides, you'd run now that you saw my experimenting with other monsters! So I have to keep you now!" She giggled. "I'll be back! Don't go anywhere~" And she left.

"This. Is your. Damn fault." The irate flower growled.

"Shut it. I'm gonna get us out of here, I just..." You struggle against the bonds, but they are tight! "Can you wiggle out?" You asked your flower friend. He shook his petal-lined head quickly, and you frowned. This was a pickle. You heard screams and shouts from that poor monster Alphys had trapped here to experiment on, and your heart broke for them.

After what seemed like absolute ages, the door opened. You feared it was Alphys, or worse, that robot. It was, in fact, that damn robot. He looked different. Calmer. Two of his eyes were open again, but they didn't look angry or crazed. The yellow arms were being used. Maybe he had some sort of split personality? "Oh my, dear human, I am so sorry you were treated this way! I'm gonna free you, don't worry." You must have looked terrified, because his expression softened. "Look, I must have scared you earlier... I'm really nice and hold no real grudge against humans. Alphys made me, though, and put a hatred of humans in my circuits. So, I guess you could say I have some sort of split personality? You'll know when the other one comes out... A-Anyways! I want to help you. I do. But if I become hateful again, and attack you, you must run. Alphys can sometimes control me too, and she may use me to hurt you." He explained as he untied you and released Flowey. Flowey slapped him with his leaves and he only chuckled, like he knew that wast coming. Flowey resumed his place on your shoulders with a glare at the robot.

"Thank you." You were wary around him, but you were grateful that he was being kind and releasing you.

"The best way out is through the back of the lab. You should hurry before she catches you again. She is kind, but crazy, and preforms all sorts of... Horrible experiments." The robot visibly shuddered. "I can't follow you, but you'll see me again. I'll help you." He promised, before disappearing in the darkness of the basement. Following the robots advice, you hurried the hell out of that basement. You found the bag you were so thankful you packed before in the kitchen area and slung it on your back.

"You WHAT?!" You heard Alphys shout. Terrified she found out you were released, you ran. An alarm went off as you ran through the door, but nothing stopped you yet. You ran, and ran and ran. It was still hot, you noticed. What hellish person would you encounter next? At least Mettaton was somewhat nice, in a weird way.

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