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"Lily, please tell me who she is." Taylor pleaded with her friend relentlessly.

"That was Larisa Loukas. She's the granddaughter of deceased billionaire, Henoch Loukas. He was a huge fashion designer from Greece that built himself quite an empire. Larisa was only one of three grandchildren and they were the ones who pretty much inherited his fortune. She had worked as a photographer for VS for a while before she took more of an interest in her grandfathers legacy and began to get more into the fashion side. Karlie and I worked with her several times."

Every bit of life felt like it was being slowly sucked out of her as Taylor just stood there, staring at Lily in disbelief. Nothing was making any sense. She was so sure that Karlie had cheated on her. Her life as she knew it was a complete mess. There was no way Karlie would ever forgive her. She knew this was the end of her marriage. With her heartbreaking realization, she sat on the chair and clung to her daughter as she became hysterical.

Lily bent down and wrapped her arms around her friend, holding her close as tears began to fall from her eyes as well. She knew Karlie so well and with everything she and Taylor had gone through over the years that dealt with trust, this may possibly be the final straw for Karlie. How could she even begin to try and attempt to be positive when this may very well be the end.

"Taylor, listen to me, you need to talk to Karlie. I'm gonna be really honest with you right now, I don't know what's going to happen. You blatantly accused her of cheating and told her you didn't trust her. She's obviously going to be hurt but it's still important that you guys speak."

"Lily, you and I both know she'll never forgive me. I was just so sure..."

Taylor got up and grabbed the baby's jacket. "I have to go. Mikayla needs to see the doctor. I just can't even wrap my head around any of this. I'll talk to you later."


Karlie was in the middle of her workout when her phone began to ring. She had no interest in answering it at that moment and just continued running on the treadmill. It felt like she was running forever. Her legs were tired but she wouldn't stop. It was like a race she was in the middle of and the only person she was running against was herself. Her mind was all over the place. How could everything be so good just a month ago and now everything is all screwed up?  We're supposed to be trying to have another baby this month and now, I'm not so sure that will ever happen.

Barely able to finish and nearly collapsing, she finally stopped. She sat down, guzzling a bottle of water when her cell phone went off again. This time, she picked it up.

"Kar, I know you probably don't want to talk about this, but you have to. Meet me for dinner at Antonios so we can discuss everything."

"I can't. I have the baby tonight when she gets back from her doctors appointment."

"Fine, then meet me now. Let's meet at the Juice Bar on 3rd."

"Alright, I'm heading there now. See you in about twenty minutes."

Karlie packed up her stuff and flagged down a cab. Twenty minutes later she was arriving at the Juice Bar. She saw her friend waving to her from a booth in the back. She made her way over and was pulled into a familiar embrace.

"Thanks for meeting me."

"Yeah, no problem Cara, how've you been?"

"Nevermind me, how are you?"

"How am I supposed to be Car? My life is all over the place. My wife kicked me out and everything is a mess."

"Yeah but Kar, I mean...you can fix this. You can't let this be the end of your marriage. Come on, where's that fighter I know so well? This is Taylor we're talking about. You know, the love of your life. The woman you married.....your heart and soul. Come on dude, straighten up and fix this."

You Belong To Me- Part 2 (KAYLOR)Where stories live. Discover now