EIGHT (1/2)

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Cato and I finished our dinner and I dismissed myself going to bed early tonight. I didn't feel like training with Cato so I took private training with Gale. Don't get me wrong I love training with Cato but, I can't love a traitor. Or until he proves me wrong.
"What the hell was that for?" Cato hissed as I jumped pulling my pj's against my barely naked torso save for a black red piping trim bra.
"Is there Egg on my face Cato?" I hiss.
"No..Why?" He said.
"You can't be trusted." I say.
"Is this about our baby again??!!!" He shouted angry.
"No. It is about us Cato. I don't know you anymore, what's happened to you??" I say tears burning my eyes as they fell.
"Nothing..." Cato promised, "Are you alright?"
"No I'm not!!!" I shout, "I thought you loved me!!!Is that even possible for you?"
Cato looked at me squeezing his clenched hands and then grabbed me. I shrieked in suprise when he kissed me cupping my cheeks.
"Ever since the baby, your all I think about Tris. Don't ruin what we have between each other." Cato said softly when I nodded.
"I'm sorry.." I say touching his cheek tenderly.

Evil Obsession (Cato Hadley Romance)Where stories live. Discover now