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It was a rough ride back home. I leaned on Cato,  and at some point I had fallen asleep in his lap too. Once home, I couldn't fathom living in the same house that my parents died in, until I saw what was left of it..
Rubble was splayed everywhere when I shook all over angry and upset at the standing by Peacekeeper.
"Your a peacekeeper right?" I asked him and he glared at me, "That's what they call you, am I not right?!"
"Z.." Cato says trying to pry me away, "Enough Z!"
"No. Why are you a peacekeeper if you can't even keep parents of the children training safe?!?!?!What are you?!!!!!! You're sure as hell not a peacekeeper after this shit!!!" I shouted sobbing when I finally gave into Cato.
"Zara," Cato says to the side holding my cheeks, "What has gotten into you? Why're you acting this way?Hmmm??"
"I lost my family...and Gale Hawthorne..." I cried looking up.
"Who's Gale Hawthorne?" Cato asked.
"Step-brother to Bea (Beatrice), and my Best friend since kindergarten." I explained, "I loved him so much...We..We..oh god, Cato." I cried into his hands, "I've lost everyone."
"I'll be your family now." He promised kissing me again.

Evil Obsession (Cato Hadley Romance)Where stories live. Discover now