DinahDime : shoot whats happening

normoney : oh wait hold up

normoney added allychrist

normoney : allys here you can punch her now!

LaurenJauregui : ohmygod

harrystyles : mani?

allychrist : huh?

camilacabello : STOP

normoney : oh cmon mila. you said it yourself. you wanna punch her cuz she keep telling u to stop tailing on harrys caca?

LaurenJauregui : caca shsbshsh

DinahDime : oh god this tea

camilacabello : what are you talking about normani

camilacabello : stop it

allychrist : im confused

harrystyles : tell me this is a joke

normoney : i have access to your account fairy camila. remember?

camilacabello : why do you have the nerve to invade my privacy?

camilacabello : ur disgusting

normoney : opps sorry i got bored so i was like hey what bout i go check mila's account to see if shes talkin shit or something

normoney : i was right lmao

normoney : its full of shit

camilacabello : you're so

normoney : so?

DinahDime : guys calm down

LaurenJauregui : stop fighting

camilacabello : this is the worst groupchat ive ever been in

normoney : youre free to leave and fly away with ur banana and fairy wings mija. to the back of the moon!!


LaurenJauregui : i feel bad for laughing

harrystyles : so its tru....

allychrist : oh wow mila

allychrist : you know camila you shouldve punched me that day so i have a reason to pull ur wings off ur spinal cord


harrystyles : fix this

harrystyles left

camilacabello : its not whats it like ally

allychrist left

DinahDime : too much for being an innocent pixie girl...

LaurenJauregui : 🐸☕️

camilacabello : yall so ugly

camilacabello left

normoney : better

DinahDime : sooo what now

LaurenJauregui : DC3 🤑

DinahDime : aye i like that idea

normoney : nice babe

LaurenJauregui : 🚨

normoney : wat?

LaurenJauregui : nothing its just that

DinahDime : that?

LaurenJauregui : hey dinah is it okay if me and normani private dm for awhile

DinahDime : sure imma add some people while yall having virtual scissoring

normoney : what

LaurenJauregui : what

DinahDime : ew go away do yall dirty thang

DinahDime added liampayno

DinahDime added swagbieber

DinahDime added leighanne123 and JadeThirlwall


author's note

comment and like thats what keeps me going (lol)

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