The escalator to heaven (A half-angel novel)

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Hi, I am Valeriya Gregorovich and this is my life's story, well not exactly life but you get it. 

Its full of drama, action and romance, and you might end up wondering why a lot of things happened to me, but then again its my story, and without the drama it wouldn't be worth being written about. Yes written about, you see the drama in my life has attracted enough attention to make people want to write about it.

Today a journalist called Mikhael Storm (talk about cool surnames), is coming over to my place to get a first hand account of my experiences with tacking the "obstacles" in my life.

Before I start with it, I want to give you a heads up about something, I am not completely human. I am not a vampire or werewolf, but those weirdo's do exist, yes they are alive and kicking!

I am an angel, technically half-angel (yeah go ahead and laugh). I don't look like someone with a halo on the head and a saintly glazed look, no thank you. I look perfectly human, except that I'm not. The journalist, or as he calls himself, "a free soul", (I think hes unemployed, but a friend recommended him so yeah), is gonna write about me. but I will be anonymous.

According to the human world, I am a poor child caught up in terrible tragedies, but that's just a cover up, Mikhael sorta knows what I am and hes gonna write a cover story for me after hearing the actual story.

This is the part where I elaborate on me being a half-angel, so here goes,

When God cast out Lucifer from heaven, Lucifer did not leave alone. Along with him left an army of angels who were going to revolt against God's might. Even though these angels were fallen, their immortality remained along with them. It was rumoured that when these angels fell they looked upto Lucifer for guidance, but they were abandoned and Lucifer was never found again.

It was then, that Abaddon, the angel of destruction became the leader. he knew what humans were capable of, the evil that they could commit, so he decided that the angels would never reveal their identity. The angels would live anonymously amongst humans, not all that anonymously, you see all these angels had one major flaw in them, it was the reason they were cast out of heaven, it was hubris. (hubris means when one thinks of himself to be better than god, in the case of the angels). Most of these angels were very influential people who had a high ranking in human society.

Abaddon was the main general of Lucifer and could not bear to live without him, so he appointed 7 angels to look for him in every corner of the earth, after many decades the angels started to disband and they spread out over the earth. Every angel was related, its a bit difficult to explain but it basically means that everyone is everyones family, angels couldn't marry each other, it would be like marrying you own brother, and so they started mating with humans. I was the result of the union between an angel and a human.

Here's the part where my story gets even more wackier, the angels had lost their powers, well most of them, the power left with them was only a fraction of their original powers. Some of the children of angels, who were technically "innocent", ended up inheriting powers, nothing great, except that they could control elements, I was one of those special kids because my dad was special, you see my dad was Lucifer.


hey guys this is my first attempt at an angel story sorta thing! i love the whole fallen angel concept, and hopefully a lot of people on wattpad do as well! this is something like the first look of the story and depending on the feedback i will continue writing it. plus im not really sure about the title so this is just the tentative one! any good title ideas will be great!

i would really love it if you guys could comment and vote!

hopefully you guys will give the story a chance, its a fantasy-adventure-humour-romance story so i guess it covers up a lot of stuff for you guys!

love, zahabiya :)

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