5 ~ The Grocery Store (P2)

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Meanwhile, in your boarding house..

"Finally!" You groan, dumping yourself on the sofa, stretching your legs after walking around the mall looking for the right dress and then trying like thousands of them on.

"I'm going to go and bring your dress up." Violette announces and goes up the stairs.

Britney sits beside you on the couch, "So, how did he look like?" She asks with a smirk.

"I'm so jealous!" Rosie grins wiggling her eyebrows.

"Do you want to watch something guys?" Elle enters the room after she parked the car in the driveway then settles herself on the floor grabbing a pillow from the sofa for her head.

"Sure." Violette says suddenly when she comes down the stairs.

"Let's watch..Love Actually!" You declare, running to the remote and turning the television on, switching it to Netflix proceeding to finding the selected movie.

"But it's too classic, let's watch The Luka State." Britney whines grabbing the remote from me.

"Oui!" You whine back and grab the remote from her.

4 hours later..😂

Britney grabs back the remote, sits on it then crosses her arms with a triumphant smile on her face. "Really nigga." You raise an eyebrow at her.

She removes it from under her and says, "The Luka State it is!" She declares and we then watch the movie in silence, the rest of us knowing that we have no other choice.


The next day..

"Wake up, Y/N!" Someone shakes you vigorously.

"Wha?" You say dazzled still a bit sleepy.

"Remember your date with Thomas Sangster?!" The person says who by the looks of them is Rosie.

You then realize that in two hours you're going to meet Thomas Sangster at the Beverage House for lunch, which makes you jolt up from your bed and run to the bathroom to clean yourself up.

As you finish brushing your teeth you exit the small bathroom- "What are you guys doing?!" You shriek that they are messing up my drawer throwing stuff around, causing me to panic that they might find out the multiple photos of Thomas which you've collected over the years.

You dash to Violette who was the one that was looking through your bedside drawer, pulling her away from it stashing back the stuff that you covered the photos in earning a groan from Violette who apparently fell down on the tiled floor who was also now rubbing her back. "What the he-?" She was cut off by the sound of your phone ringing.

You jump over Elle's bed, stumbling a little then reaching for your phone and then answering it, "Hello?" You say into the phone, expecting his voice to answer back.

"Hey, Y/N. Are you coming?" Thomas asks into the phone and you notice that he sounds a bit nervous. For a second, you forget that he's speaking to you then you quickly answer him back.

"Yeah- yeah- yeah I'm coming. Are you there?" You answer.

"Almost, are you?"

"No, I'm still getting ready." You say in abrupt panic that he's nearly at the Beverage House and you're still barely even ready.

"Oh, it's alright. See you in 10, then?"

"Yeah." You say running to my closet to find the dress that you guys bought at the mall yesterday, then you hung up so that you could get ready.

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