4 ~ The Grocery Store (P1)

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You lock your car and walk up to the grocery store and swing the door open, the chime attached to chiming signaling that they have another customer.

You walk to the vegetable section and start picking out some veggies and while you're doing that you hear a voice with a familiar accent- one that you've heard numerous times on television, speaking to you.

"Here, take this." The voice hands you a perfect cabbage and a two perfect carrots and you look up at the voice and you gasp.

Before you could speak he cuts you off, "Shh, I don't want anyone else finding out I'm here." He shushes you before you could squeal his name.

"B-but you're Th-Thomas Sangster." You stammered dropping the vegetables that he handed to you in the process, stepping back a little to actually grasp his features.

Yup, same hair, same smile, same eye color, same gold chain that he wears off sets, usual leather jacket and shirts. Oh my god, it really is him! He bends down to pick up the vegetables and you watch him drop it into your basket and a sly smirk comes into  his face, "Were you checking me out?" He teases and you immediately blush that he caught you.

"N-no, I w-wasn't." You stammer stubbornly and his smirk just becomes wider.

"Keep telling yourself that," He chuckles and pulls out his phone, "Here. Give me your number and we might go out some time." Your breath gets caught in your throat, he's asking your for your number!

But then you frown, realizing you don't remember your number, "Oh, I don't remember it." You say disappointedly.

He laughs, "That's alright, I'll give you mine and then you can give me a call then I could save it." He says and places his phone back in his pocket and you pull out yours placing it in his open hand.

He puts in his phone number and gives it back to you, "Alright, see ya around." He says and gives you a small peck on the check and a hug then leaves you there dumbfounded in shock, happiness and practically everything related to joy.

After your trip to the grocery store and the unexpected meeting with Thomas Brodie-Sangster, you go back to your boarding house which you share with other fellow fangirls.

"Guys! Guess what happened to me this morning!" You call through the house and you hear four pairs of feet drumming down the stairs.


"What happened?"

"A dog died?"

"You met Thomas Sangster?"

You turn to Elle and nod excitedly, "He even gave me his phone number!" You squeal.

You all jumped around together, squealing and laughing, "Well, what are you waiting for, Y/N?" Violette asks, "Go call him!" She laughs and gives your phone back.

You look for his name on your contact list and you quickly dial then wait for the ring. Finally, after five rings he answers, "Hello?" He asks form the other line in his English accent.

"Hey! Its me, the one from the grocery store?" You say trying to jog up his memory.

"Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, what was your name? I don't you told me." He questions and you realize that you've never actually introduced yourself.

"It's, Y/N."

"Y/N.." He says testing it out, "Well, Y/N. You have a very lovely name, let's say tomorrow, we could eat out for lunch?" He suggests and I immediately forgot why I have his number.

"Sure." You chirp, "Where?"

"Oh, right. The location, um..the Beverage House?" He says.

"Great, see ya." You say and he hangs up.

Rosie squeals, "What did he say?"

"We're eating out for lunch tomorrow at the Beverage House." You say excitedly.

"Well, we better get you a nice outfit then." Britney winks and runs upstairs followed by the rest of us to prepare for a shopping trip.



P.S. This whole book isn't edited so pardon any wrong grammar.

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