Chapter 10 - Eyes of Insanity

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"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN SHE'S OKAY?!?! SHE HAS A HUGE GASH IN HER FOREHEAD AND SHE'S UNCONSCIOUS IF YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED YET!" I shouted. Her mate, Percy, silently nodded his head, tears freely flowing down his face. Phoenix and I were shaking with anger at the man who did this to her. Our half brother, Jason Grace. "Don't question my work. She is fine, okay?" Doctor Rafe assured. I shook my head at his response. "I will question your work as long as I please. She is our sister," I paused and pointed at Phoenix and myself. "And his God damned mate." I finished, jabbing a finger at Percy, who nodded sadly. Carolina burst through the doors. "SHADOW!" She screamed at our sister's unmoving body, absolute horror written on her face as she wept around Shadow's body, her chest barely moving. Wait a second... my wolf, Cerrundos squinted through my eyes. "She's moving! Her chest! She is alive!" Percy yelled with joy. Carolina momentarily stopped sobbing and Phoenix and I stopped shaking. "Shadow." I said, to which I got no response. I started tapping on the table and repeated myself twice.


Black. That's it. Black. That's all I saw. But I could still hear. A faint voice pulled my out of my thoughts. "Shadow," it said, vaguely familiar. Tap tap tap. There is is again. "Shadow," followed by the tap tap tap of fingers on wood. The next calling of my own name was the smallest and haziest of whispers. "Shadow."


I shook with fury alongside Zephyr at Jason Grace for what he had done to her, my alpha, my sister. He has caused our family enough pain, and for that, he must be killed. He must die for what he has caused her. And Carolina, Percy, David.


The slightest shake of my shoulders and another "Shadow," made me jerk upright, panting and sweating. A piece of paper was folded in my hands. I placed it in my pocket and sat up. My head throbbed from pain and the stitches that were required. And for once, I wasn't drugged out on Pain meds. Percy grabbed my shoulder and I jerked away from him. His eyes reflected my own, and my electrifying blue eyes were filled with insanity. His eyes held genuine fear and sadness. I calmed myself and allowed my eyes to go back to normal. He seemed to relax a bit when I leaned into his touch. We walked the maze of a hospital, never leaving. Because we both knew that I wasn't sane or healthy enough to walk out those doors. So I decided just to stay. He faced me, his eyes full of worry, and I saw my reflection in his stunning sea green eyes. My black hair was wild and frizzy, my blue intelligent eyes wandered the crowd around me restlessly, and blood streaked my forehead, staining the skin a deep maroon. I didn't look like an alpha. Sure, I radiated power. But I looked like a rogue. My normal blue, intelligent, strategizing eyes had red speckles. The speckles of insanity. And I realized. I was going insane.

Hours later, I decided reading the note would be good. Nope. It read The four that are one, the one that is all. The bottom shall rule and the top shall fall. And guess what? I was the top. And I shall fall.

All Mine (under HEAVY editing) ON HOLDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora