He lifts his head back up and he grins at me.

"Your amazing, babe." He smirks and I gasp. Wow. He doesn't smirk often. He always seems shy not cocky. I kind of like this cocky side though. He deserves to be a little cocky. He takes my hand and pulls the tent curtain back. "Let's go."

"Okay." I nod and we make out way into the tent. A woman in a red and gold robe sits in front of a red wooden table with a stack of cards and crystal ball sitting atop it. Her hands are folder In front of her and her head is down. John Luke clears his throat and the woman snaps her head up. She smiles brightly, wrinkles forming by her eyes and mouth. A small red jewel sticks to her forehead and a black chain with a gold stone attached to it. Her brown eyes sparkle under the red lights. A mirror sits behind her and I notice that my face has a red tint because of the lights.

"Welcome," the woman stands. "Please sit." John Luke and I sit down in the two anctient, gold plush chairs and she takes her seat once again. She looks down at our white wristbands and looks bac up at our faces. "Would you like a palm reading, crystal ball, or cards to determine your future?" She asks. JL and I both answer at the same time.

"Palm reading."

She smiles and reached for our hands. She holds mine in her right hand and John Lukes in her left hand. Her eyes flutter closed as she trails her finders over our pals. John Luke and I sneak a glance at each other before turning back to the woman with an accent. Egyptian accent I think. Her face looks sad.

"Oh. I can see your past," she says, opening her eyes and looking at me. "I'm so sorry dear." She whispers and my throat thickens. "Your sister was murdered," she says, her face stricken. What? Murdered?! "And oh my," she says tracing the lines on my hand. "Poor girl." She moves onto John Lukes hand without an explanation. She finished with a smile. "Well, you've had it pretty good so far huh? Your future is bright dear. A young woman will capture heart soon, if she hasn't already. Aw, how beautiful." Her eyes close. "Three children wil make a presence". He's going to have kids? What about my future? How does she know my sister was murdered.

Anita finishes and looks at us.

"Thank you." JL says. Who captured his heart? These are need to know details!

"Uh do you know who murdered my sister?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I can't go that far, sweetie. But I know that you," she points to JL "better take care of this girl. She may not have told you but her past relationships have not been good." How does she know that?! I thought this future thing is bullcrap but I guess not. JL sends me a confused look but I stand with a smile and avoid his gaze.

"Thank you," I say to her before pivoting and walking out of the tent. JL follows and takes my hand.

"What was that about?" He asks as we pace forward through the shirt grass. I spot my brother walking between Sadie and Cole. Reed must be somewhere with Daisy already. "Kay." JL snaps me out of my thoughts and I turn to him. "What was she talking about? Past relationships didnt go well?" I shake my head and he stops, tugging on my hand. I turn to him with a sigh.

"JL I will tell you. But not right now okay? Can't we just enjoy our first date without talking about my life? Please?" I ask him. I know there are tears in m eyes but I work hard to push them back. John Lukes face softens and he places his hand on my cheek, wiping tears I didn't realize fell under my eye.

"I'm sorry. I just want to know everything about you Kay." He s Ike's softly before pressing his lips to mine. "Let's enjoy the date." He says and I nod, following him in a speed walk to the nearest roller coaster. If you could call it that. It's card a Caterpillar Coaster. The track is a bumpy oval and the car that you sit in is painted green and set in a caterpillar style we slide into the kiddy seat and the caterpillar told slowly forward. The kids scream am hold their hands up in the air. I smile at JL and he grins back, kissing my cheek. The ride ends soon and we step out, walkin to the next ride. We have to take off our shoes and walk into the large circular ride. We stand with our backs against the wall. The large heavy metal bars come down around our heads and strap us in. John Luke grabs m hand as the doors close and the person who runs this whole thin steps against the wall and straps himself in securely after checking to make sure no one is going to fly out. Little kids begin to squeal in anticipation and teen couple begin to close their eyes. I can't move my head to smile at JL but the warm tingles tell him I am grateful I think. His hand fits perfectly over mine. The whole circular ride behind to spin as the lights shut off, leaving us in the dark. Green and blue Lights begin to flash around as the ride gains speed. JL tightens his hand around mine. I guess he's a little scared. The ride picks up an light begin to twirl around, illuminating people's faces in pink green blue yellow and red. My hair flies in front of my face and I hear a groan next to me. JL. I squeeze his hand in reassurance and he relaxes. The twirls begin to slow an the lights fade. Eventually, the spinning comes to a complete stop and tge lights flash on, temporarily blinding us. The man who runs this show hits the button beside him and the bars lift. A small girl beside me falls over and throws up. Aw! I reach down, dizzy. She looks up and I smile, sitting beside her as she swallows and coughs. A small boy her age walks to us and smiles.

"Are you okay, Hann?" He asks and the little girl shakes her head. He sits beside her an removes his shirt, leaving a white tank top with super man symbols on it. He hands it to her just as two parents walk in and smile at the boy.

"Thank you," she says and hugs the boy before crouching down to the girl. The man wraps an arm around the boy and the little girl reaches for my hand.

"Thanks for checking on me." She says and I smile.

"Your welcome." I reply and stand, brushing off y knees. "I'll go tell the cleaning crew." Their around here somewhere right? The lady smiles.

"Thank you so much."

"Not a problem." I reply before taking John Lukes hand and pulling him to the fresh air. He grabs his head and sits down on the ground.

"You okay?" I ask him, leaning for. He nods and shuts his eyes. A man walks by with a trash can fill of cleaning equipment. I call to him and clap my hands before he looks at me. I point to the ride an he groans, knowing what I'm getting at. He nods before rolling his trash can into the ride. He clears it out if people and dives in. I sit beside John Luke and grab his hand.

"Sorry. I don't do well with being dizzy." He Tells me and I smile.

"It's alright" I say. He smiles before standing up. He takes my hand once again and finish playing the games an riding the rides. John Luke won me a giant panda bear. I cuddle it close as jL wraps an arm around my waist and drags me to the truck.

"What are we doing?" I ask as he hops in the drivers seat. He pulls out his phone and smiles.

"We're going somewhere. This was only half of our date."

Nice Aim (John Luke Robertson-Duck Dynasty)Where stories live. Discover now