Chapter 1

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So here is Chapter 1 this is also after TLO but before thr Lost Hero

Artemis' POV

Me and my hunters were hunting a monster not seen since the giant war and while we were tracking the monster I sensed a powerful God which I haven't sensed since the Giant war with Gaia and it seemed powerful but young. When I had the God's spot me and the hunters followed the scent of the monsters and what we saw shocked us. In front of us a boy about 17 but was 7'0" ( think of a 7 foot tall orgnal looking Percy Jackson k) and was wielding a Gold, Silver, Steel and Neptunium Iron (Blue iron) hailberd with the skills of master. But what shocked us was that the boy had the smell of a Giant and that he was fighting the Manicorn, the Minotaur and a pack of large Hellhounds. And that burned into his bare chest was the mark of Olympus (the omega symbol) and was saying after every monster he killed "For OLYMPUS" and when all the monsters were dead but the Minotaur, the boy and the Minotaur started to have a fist fight. We were surprised by the strength behind the punches the boy threw and after the third punch the Minotaur crumled to dust. When the picked up his hailberd, me and the hunters advanced on him "halt who are you boy!" I yelled "*gasp* oh my god an Olympian my prayers were answered oh and my name is Perseus but you can call me Percy Lady Artemis" ( the * means someone gasps or sighs k) he said bowing "who is your godly parents boy?" I asked "first you and your hunters must swear on the Styx that you will not attack me because I'll tell you that I hold no love for my old family cause they left me to fend for myself" he said "*sigh* fine we swear on the Styx not to attack you unless you attack first" I growled "a fair deal Lady Artemis. My mom and dad are Gaia Primordial Goddess of the Earth and Tartarus Primordial God of the Pit and the last and youngest child born of them." He said with venom but not to me or the hunters but at his old family who betrayed him. But when the fact that he was a son Gaia I said to him "wait if your a son of Gaia why were you fighting the monsters?" "Because Tartarus controls all monsters and he hates me cause I am not a Giant I am actually a Primordial God of Death, Destruction and Chaos." Percy says "then I'm going to bring you to my father on Olympus" I tell him "good I always wanted to meet my nephews and nieces and see if we can get along" Percy said smiling.

Ok and done hope you all like this story in the next chapter Percy meets his Nieces, Nephews and the rest of the Olympians bye for now and yes Neptunium is a real metal.

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