Chapter 29 - Completely and Utterly Wasted

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Maddy gets her up and sits her on my wheelie chair and begins pinning bits of her experiment up, “She thought she might try to do her own hair even though she has no idea how to use a straightener. I just about had a heart attack when I picked her up. Now get changed!”

I don’t need to be told another time. I slip my t-shirt off, not really feeling embarrassed to change around them anymore and grab the dress from out of the bag. “MADDY!” I yell.

She looks over at me mildly as she waits for the straightener to heat up, “What?”

“This isn’t the dress I bought!”

The machine beeps and she begins to fix up Mitch’s creation, “Yeah, I swapped it.” She says as calmly as if she was telling me what she had for breakfast this morning.

I look at the shimmery grey dress in my hands in shock. It’s a strapless dress with a ribbon going around the bust and a little bow. The skirt looks a little tighter than what I’m used to and I’m beginning to worry about my choice in friends. “I don’t know about this–”

“Just put it on!” Maddy snaps, attacking Mitch’s hair with haste.

I reluctantly unzip the dress and try to put it on. “Oh God,” I gasp as I wriggle into it, “I think you got a couple of sizes too small.”

She shrugs nonchalantly as she lets down more of Mitch’s hair, “The make is supposed to be tight.”

“Yeah, it’s made for a stick!” I struggle to zip it up and quickly give up, collapsing onto the bed. “Why do you do this to me?”

“I hear you sister.” Mitch grumbles. I look up a bit to analyse the dresses they’re wearing. Maddy’s pinned her hair up with actual paintbrushes, taking after Sarah’s style and she’s wearing this cute flowing black dress with colourful paint splatters all over it. Her usual zany jewellery has been swapped for some even zanier jewellery and I marvel at where she gets her ideas from. Mitch in the meantime is wearing dark skinny jeans and a silky night blue off the shoulder top with a white camisole peeking out from underneath it. 

“How come she gets to wear jeans?” I grumble.

Maddy rolls her eyes at me, pointing at her with the straightener, “You saw what she did to her hair. What do you think she would have done if I tried to get her into a dress? It was hell enough hiding that friggin cat woman suit.”

I flop back onto the bed, pretty miffed. I could throw some pretty sick tantrums if I wanted to too.

Maddy continues to straighten Mitch’s hair and I reluctantly get up to put on my jewellery and take a look at the strappy shoes she’s swapped my modest pumps for.

“I’m going to look like such a hore.” I mumble loud enough for her to hear, tugging the bottom of the dress a bit but then pulling the bodice up as well as it slips down. “No. I’m going to look like a complete slut who has no intention of keeping her legs closed for the rest of the night.”

Maddy groans, putting the straightener down and sternly warning Mitch to not touch it. She comes over to me and spins me around so she can zip me up. She makes me twirl around again and places her hands firmly on my shoulders, “We have made a deal Hailey. We’re going to confess to the guys we like.”

She pauses as if waiting for an answer and I nod my head slowly.

“I wasn’t going to let you go to this party in that granny dress you picked at the store, that’s why I swapped it.”

She pauses again and I nod another time.

“You do not look like a hore or a slut.” She says slowly, “You. Look. Gorgeous. And you’ll look even better once I’ve gotten you ready. On top of all that we know for certain that Jake. Loves. You.” She sits me in a chair, “Now wait patiently and I’ll fix you up in a sec.”

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