The room, which was pretty much an empty cement basement with one door, fell silent. “Louis why didn’t you ever tell me—“

                “THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT!” Lilly yelled.

“Oh wait, are you talking about that time I tried out for my high school football team? Let me tell you, big mistake. Man did they hate me—“


“Actually no I don’t. There are a lot of things I haven’t told anyone. Like the time I went to this Mexican bar—“

                “SHUTUP!!! If you can’t remember then let me remind you”

Lilly pulled out a small wooden stake (the same one from when we first met) out of her back pocket and grabbed Niall’s arm.

                “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!” The poor Irish boy screamed.

Lilly slit his arm, then let go of him. The blood, which looked amazing right now, dripped off of his arm and onto the floor.

                I started breathing heavy and felt the sudden urge to drink all of the blood out of Niall. I groaned closing my eyes.

                “Louis are you ok? What’s happening? Why did she do that?”

Lilly walked over to me, probably with the biggest smirk in the world on her face. She cut the tight rope off of my hands and feet.

                “You’re free. Do what you want.”

Lilly then leaned over and whispered into my ear, “You could drink every ounce out of him. No one would know. I promise I won’t tell anyone”

                I grinded my teeth. “You know what. I use to like you, I mean really like you. But I should have known it would never work out anyway. It never does. Especially when you try to get me to kill my own friends. And you thought I was the killer. I can’t believe I ever even felt sorry of you losing your parents; they were probably just like you. Killers”

                Lilly stayed quiet for awhile, probably letting what I said sink in. But then of course Niall had to ruin the silence,

“Can someone get me a band aid?”

                I opened my eyes and smiled at him. “I would love to but I don’t think she would let me” I said pointing to Lilly.

                Lilly still stayed completely silent. But then she turned towards me with the blankest expression ever.

                “I know about her. Faith. I know you killed her. That’s why I was afraid, I knew I would end up like her if I ever had any feelings for you. I’ve heard many stories about her. How she was threatened to be killed if she got anywhere close to you. I also heard you were practically a legend back then, you killed thousands. But they weren’t just your average pedestrians they were famous. You wanted to make your mark, and you left one. Then you met her, the completely incent vampire hunter. But then, like any other vampire you killed her.”

                Another long silence filled the room. But then, yet again, Niall interrupted it.


                Ignoring Niall I replied to Lilly, “Only half of that story is true”

Lilly slowly began to walk towards me, “So you’re going to tell me that you really didn’t kill her?”

                I smirked, “If you let Niall go I would be happy to tell you, and prove those rumors wrong.”

Lilly thought about it for a second but then agreed. “Blondie your free, through the side door, up the stairs, make a left then go through the front door. The lock number is 69036. And if you ever tell anyone about this you will die, they probably won’t believe you anyway”

                Niall nodded still in shock, “What about Louis?”

I put on a fake smiled and tossed him a pack of gum out of my pocket. “I’m just having a reunion with an old friend. Have a piece of gum, you’re probably hungry”

                “But I can’t chew gum I have braces—“

“Just have a piece of gum and leave” I said sternly.

                Niall lifted his eyebrow at me and ran out the door with my pack of gum.

I turned back to Lilly, who was oddly really close to me. “First of all her name wasn’t Faith it was Elizabeth. She was a vampire hunter, one of the best might I add. But just like any other descent women she fell in love with me, and not just for my good looks and humor, but my voice. She would constantly ask me to sing to her. I would sing to her, and she would sing to me. She could have been famous too, her voice was brilliant. I loved her so, so much. But then only a few months later the council, those fat weirdo’s that are in charge of vampire hunters, found out about us. Of course they didn’t like it. So they threatened to kill her if she didn’t kill me. She refused to kill me though, she was so in love with me. And I couldn’t kill her because I loved her even more. Elizabeth changed my mind about things, I always thought that there was only one purpose of my life, to suck every living drop out of every human I come across. Oh was I wrong.

                I didn’t suck the blood out of just anybody though. I sucked it out of Kings, Queens and other important people. Like you said before, I wanted to leave my mark. Some of them really deserved it though. Like Bloody Mary. Her blood was disgusting. But Elizabeth made me realize something, there’s more in life for me than to just kill everyone. What if I could be the good guy for once, and not the bad guy? Elizabeth thought I could. But the council didn’t. She tried convincing them, but of course it didn’t work.

                Elizabeth and I ran away, somewhere where we thought that the council wouldn’t find us. We were wrong though. One night I left Elizabeth alone and went to town to get some supplies. When I came back to our home her dead body was laying on the doorstep, blood was everywhere. The only thing the murder left was a note hanging on the front door. ‘Sincerely the council’

                A cold shiver ran down my back as I said those words, ‘Sincerely the council’. “From that day on I promised Elizabeth that I wouldn’t kill anyone, and I haven’t. It has been over 200 years since her death, 200 years since I’ve killed anyone.”

                Lilly stayed silent, not showing any expression. “That doesn’t change anything. You killed a lot of people, even if it was hundreds of years ago, and you are going to pay”

                A wooden stake pierced through my back. My eyes widened as pain shot up my back and I fell onto my knees. That’s why she was so close to me…


And yet again another cliff hanger.

I probably will only have around 2 more chapters left. They're probably won't be an epilogue. Sorry this story is so short but I can't think of any other way to end it and I'm starting on my new Harry Styles fan fic, 'Grandpa's Angel'.

Also I'm dedicating the next chapter to purplekittycat for commenting on almost every chapter of this book and supporting me! Thank you so much love!

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Until Next (Late) Tuesday,

- Al

I'm Not Like Them // l.t. editingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن