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You're safe, thank god.

You don't have to worry. My dad taught me to kick anyone where it hurts the most if they assault me.

How cute.

And you brought a jacket, very nice.

You sound like my granny.

Now, about your feelings.

Yeah. But first I want to say no. You didn't say anything wrong. I get really flustered and uncomfortable when someone asks me about.. love.


Well I had this boyfriend. When we met, I thought he was the perfect one, or just my type. And we started hanging out a lot and I started crushing on him so I told him.

You told him?

Yes I did. I told him and turns out he liked me too. I was happy to the point where I couldn't stop smiling. He asked me to be his girlfriend and me being the naive me, accepted.


Yeah so around four months in he started to act different. I don't really wanna get into details so let's just say it was the bad different. I started blaming myself for everything and I could feel that it was becoming toxic.

So yeah, we broke things off and turns out he had another girlfriend all the while which made me feel even worse.

Hey. I'm pretty sure not everything was your fault.

I know! I can't believe I was so stupid to let him in and mess things up. And now, I still have some stupid 'scars' physically and emotionally.

Daisy.. Did he hurt you?


Do you need a hug?




Kinda. But thanks. For everything.

You're welcome.

Now I wanna know something.


Who's the lucky girl?

Could you stop smiling like that?

Nope. Until you tell me.

It's you Daisy.



What do you mean what?!

What do you--

It's me?!

Yes! Stop shouting you'll wake everyone up!

You like me? Like that way?

Yes. What a surprise.

Now it's getting cold. Let's head home.



Cody Cody Cody

pls ignore me : )

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