Chapter 23 You

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Chapter 23

Kal-El had this urge to just Kiss Rosalie but it wasn't the time. He slowly landed on the street road setting his small angel down. Awkwardness ran through them both but Rosalie kissed his cheek as an 'thank you' and ran off back into the fight with the others. He had this blush on his face cause her kiss.

The King saw the small smiles that was exchanged between the tall returning Kryptonian and his eldest scarred small angel daughter. The Kryptonian came back and obviously doesn't care what happens to the daughter he claims to love. Kal-El was well aware of The biggest of the angels circling him.

"You," there was a good ten feet probably between the two completely different species. The two men were the same height standing tall. Kal-El's long arms hung down to his sides as The Kings giant battle axe was in his left hand letting it hang. Kal-Els light blue fearless eyes met his dark brown empty eyes.

He pointed his axe towards Kal-El "I'm going to weaken you then I'm going to kill her emotional and make you watch her suffer as I take her own sword and stab it through her heart!" Him and Kal-El growled then the Kryptonian made the first move. The king felt it then swung his axe around missing each time.

"Do you hear yourself? You're the worst father ever! Hurt me to emotionally break her done so then she's weak and you stab a sword through her heart? You're a sick cruel man! No one of them deserve you, they deserve a father and husband that loves them and is there for them not a creature like you!"

The angel gotten angry and attack Kal-El. "Hey Elena ill switch you!" Audrey took on Thomas and Elena had Christopher. Audrey was fearless and done with the fallen. They had used her as a slave treating unfair and abusing her as if she's not a being. Their fault why her beloved Michael isn't there with her.

Two years he's been missing. Two years she's been alone. Mourning him wishing there was at least a chance he was alive still and would make his way back to her. Elena was so exhausted. She had need fought like this with the thugs and criminals of Metropolis before. She wasn't fit for this.

Elena was just fifteen and was use to the human world. This was her home and she also had a human family too that she loved. She grew close to them. Alexander was knocking into a shopping store groaning at the pain as he slowly got up. "Oh she definitely knows how to keep a man intrigued."

When Rosalie turned around she was clawed again by Aspen deepening her scars in the side of her face. Rosalie let out a loud cry crashing down on her knees. Kal-El pushed away The king hearing the familiar cry. His eyes changed from their light blue sky color to dark red "Stay away from her!"

His lazer red eyes sliced off the blonde angels gold dragon nail armor also with her fingertips. Kal-El was pushed onto the ground his lazer eyes targeting Rosalie on accident who's wings wrapped protectively around her small body. The Kryptonian quickly stopped his power realizing what was happening.

"Rosie?" He asked scared that he killed his angel. He couldn't bare to use his X-Ray vision or listen hard enough for her heartbeat. He just wanted to know she was ok by the sound of her voice. The small angel finally opened her eyes realizing she was alive smiled a little with a low gasp.

Her wings unwrapped around her and she looks down with blood dripping back down her face onto her hands than had burns on each one. She thought if she was pregnant that her wings wouldn't be enough to protect the baby so she had put her hands on her belly just in case. "I'm Fine." She finally said something then gasped feeling to pain.

"I'm so sorry Rosie." Kal-El felt so bad but Rosalie brought her hand up shakily putting her index finger to her lips hushing him before using all her energy to get back on her feet but was knocked down by Alexander pinned her down making her looking up when her father had Irina on her knees and her sisters pinned down. "NOOOO!" The angel screamed as a sword end plunged through the mothers chest. Elena had her eyes closed tightly when she listened to Audrey. Audrey blinked out tears seeing the closest thing to mother fall to the ground helplessly. Pulling the sword out Rosalie kicked Alexander away angry and ran towards her father who slashed Kal-El chest then was tackled down by Rosalie as her sisters attacked the evil angels.

So sorry for killing Irina! You'll see what happens:) sorry for late update my phone deleted the chapter so I had to re do it! Love ya and comment !:)

My Kryptonian (Book2 of Man of Steel series) Finished!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن