I sat in my original seat at the back, while Zion said next to me

Class went around as usual as it went, it was finally over and off to my next class.....English

'I'll see ya later Li, don't try to be in trouble' Zion said and went off to his own class, I silently walked through the corridors, my hands in my pocket as I chewed on my gum

Going inside the class, I sat down in my seat as, Ms June, English teacher started to say something

'Are you clear class??' She said out loud, 'YES MS' The students said in usion

Ms June is one of the toughest teacher in Lakewood High school, no matter what the situation is she can go through it and just feel as nothing happened, she punishes students hard, giving detention, and always tries to be on my bad side

'AM I CLEAR MISS BLACK' She shouted at me when I zoomed off

I rolled my eyes 'Nah, you're too blurry' Making her go all red

'Is that a way to treat your teacher??' She asked angrily

'Well, you asked me are you clear and I answered what I thought and to be honest, you weren't clean after having sex with that guy you met at the park yesterday' I smirked at her, she gasped so loudly, it's true though I saw her with some guy yesterday

'PRINCIPAL OFFICE NOW' She yelled slamming the book she had hard on the desk

I took my bag on my right shoulder and went out of the door to the principal's office

I opened the door as Mr Klutz, or nut, as I like to call him looked at me...not suprise at all

'Ah Miss Black, why am I not suprise??' He said through his glasses

I shrugged sitting down 'Beats me'

He sighed 'What have you done now??' He asked

'Nothing' I replied taking my phone out of my pocket

'Not nothing and put your phone away Bailey' He said sharply

I clicked tongue, shaking my head, as I opened Instagram seeing some post or anything new 

'Bailey this has been the 20th time you came here and I have let you off with either detention or suspension and now' He shook his head 'I'm sorry to say this but you'll have to get expelled'

I froze, excitement coming over me and I looked at him with the widest smirk 'You mean it?? As in no school??' I said

He nodded confused

I jumped up from my chair 'I'M FUCKING FREE AT LAST!!!' I yelled so loud with happiness and looking at a shocked Mr Klutz 

He cleared his throat 'Um, I..I'll call your parents and ask them to pick you up' He said taking the phone that was on his desk

After what seems like 5 minutes he said

'They aren't picking up, so I'll have Felix take you home' Felix is my elder brother, 18 years old, a year elder than me, he's also the school's popular guy

He spoke on the microphone 'Felix Black please come to the Principle's Office' 

After a few minutes, Felix came in

'Ah, Felix, I'm so sorry to tell you that your sister, has been expelled-'

'WHAT???' Felix yelled looking at me with bloodshot eyes, I rolled my eyes

'Yes I know it's shocking but her behavior is much worse' Mr Klutz said to Felix 'Your parents aren't picking up the phone so I'll have you take her home, you don't have to come back'

Felix closed his eyes taking a deep breath, before nodding 'Come on' He said to me gritting his teeth

I exited the room, Felix following me, when we reached the parking lot, Felix looked at me angrily

'WHAT THE FUCK BAIL??' He yelled at me, I shrugged

His face was bloody red, he opened his car door 'Get in' He said, I shook my head 'I'm taking my bike'

'Get in Bailey, ask Zion to bring it home' He said as he sat in his seat, I sighed sitting in the passenger seat 

'What the hells wrong with you Bailey?? You were never like this, now you're a stupid brat, kicking everyone's asses' He said his eyes on the road

'Shut up Felix, you don't have to bloody care about what I do' I snapped back at him

After we reach home, I went to my room and stayed there for like hours, listening to music and pretty much relaxing 

After what felt like hours.....


Time to face hell...

Thx for reading❤️❤️ Tell me how to you guys think about it so far...


If ya have any questions, just ask😍😍😍😍

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