#3« 'Broken Beyond Repair'

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This one features a song, 'Love Again' by Pentatonix.....

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(Disclaimer: May contain trigger)

"Tell me!! Tell me the truth!! How do you feel about this??" she yells, urging me to tell.

I keep quiet.

This irks her very much.

Lifting me by my collar, she slams me against the wall. "Tell me!!" she snarls.

All I do is look away from her.

Now annoyed, she lets me drop to the floor.

"Speak!! You do have vocal cords, don't you??"

I stare intensely at the stark white wall across the room.

Its brightness hurts my eyes but I still keep staring at it.

I can hear her impatiently tapping her foot standing next to me.

"What do you want??" she keeps going at it.

"What do you want??" I snap.

"Answer me!! Haven't I done so much for you?"

"Oh, yeah? Like what?"

"Flying you to places you've never been!-"

"Till you put me down?"

"Don't quote 'I Knew You Were Trouble'-"

"Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground, Oh, Oh, Trouble, Trouble, Trou-"

I'm interrupted by a slap across my cheek.

I now glare at her.

"Just tell me, already!!"

I let out a low growl. "Why? Why do you need it when you don't give a damn about either me or what I think??"

"But I-"

"Don't even bother lying. I know how you lie, and I really don't love the way you lie, the way you keep going at it like there's nothing else you can do. There's not one ounce of truth in what you tell me!!" I'm nearly yelling now.

"Shut your trap!! You're lucky I even noticed you!! You're nothing without me, absolutely nothing!!"

"That's what you think..." I sigh.

She ignore me and continues, "You're so delusional. I'm your sun, and without me, you'll die!! Now, tell me what you think-"

"So you can ridicule me more?"

She slaps me again and says, "What's Rule #1?"

"Don't question you."

"Exactly. And #2?"

"Do exactly what you say."

"Yes. And #3?"

"You never told me-"

"I'm adding it now!! Rule #3 is that you're a worthless nobody, and that's always true!!"

I reflexively bury my head in my hands, only to have it pulled out.

"Enough of this waste of time! Tell me!!"

I've stood her for way too long, and this time, I can't.

I stand up, push her aside when she tries to stop me and walk out of the room.

I guess this is my fault.

I've never opposed her before; well, I did once, and the repercussions were so bad that I just couldn't bring myself to face it again.

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