I went home after wards to change clothes. I washed my new clothes and thrown it inside the dryer. Sine, I bought it, might as well wear it tonight. I showered before changing my clothes. I wear my luck red boxes tonight in case I meet my mate tonight and something happens. If you now what I mean.

After taking sometime, dressing myself. I look at my full body mirror for final look. When I think that I'm ok and feel comfortable. I went out and go to the pack house. The house is very quite, that why I don't like being here. It's as if nobody's living in it. It's a mansion, but the thing is it's like a ghost mansion. It's very old and you can tell that age of this because well, it very old. That's all I'm saying. It's been passed down to many generations and when I meet my mate, it's traditional that the first born of the Alpha will be the one to live in it. And since, I'm an only child, the chances of me living in it is very high. 

I don't have the keys with me so I knocked on the door. It opened and revealed my dad. 

"Hey son. I"m sorry for asking you to come you to come quickly, but I'm really busy and I really need to you to get something for me in the pack yard." He said smiling. What no happy birthday? He really forgets it. I just kept quiet and nod my head. I'm not in the mood already. After this shit, that my dad is asking me to get, I'm outta here. I'll just celebrate my birthday at home, and shift all on my own. 

"Is there something wrong, Raf?" Dad asked. I just shook my head. I don't want to say anything because I might say something that I will truly regret. You don't know how painful it is when somebody forgets your birthday. If he is my friend, I might let it slide, but he's my dad. He should know especially because I'm his only son. 

"Alright then. Just go to the pack yard and look for your uncle. He will be giving you instructions on what to do." He said quickly before going back upstairs to his office. I don't really know what's making him busy this week, I just hope that he's having complete rest.

I walk straight to the backyard of the house to meet my uncle Rick. I don't really know what my dad needs me for, they have plenty of people here but, yeah whatever. I passed by the kitchen, and saw people cooking. Is there a party in today? I guess I have been staring at the people cooking when a throat cleared. When I turn, it was my uncle Rick.

"Is there a party, today?" I asked. He just smiled and nod his head. I suddenly felt nervous. Today's my birthday and they're having a party for me? I smiled at that.

"Yes,  there is." Uncle Rick said. I thought they forgets it. I smiled and nods my head.

"Who's party is it?" I asked quite excited. He frowned at that.

"Your father didn't tell you?" He asked. 

"No, come on uncle Rick, it's for me right?" I asked excitedly.

"For you? It's for the visiting pack that arrived today." He said casually. My excitement dissipate. They really forget. My eye starts to form tear up. 

"O, who's pack is visiting?" I asked quietly.

"The Crystal Moon Pack. The Anderson brother, along with their mate and children are here. In fact, your father is in the meeting room with them." He explained. The Crystal Moon pack is very famous pack. It's the only pack where in there's three alphas in it. Well, they're triplets, so I guess they share the title, plus they also share their mate. Lucky guy!

"Anyway, back to you. Why did you assume that the party is yours?" He asked. I just shook my head and looked down.

"It's my birthday today." I said quietly and move outside. 

"Oh shit!" My uncle replied. When I look up, his eye are wide. He run towards my dad's office probably to inform my dad about it. I just shook my head and went out to the back yard to get some air. It's really suffocating in here. When I stepped outside, I can'y help but let my tears fall down freely. 

My Dad and his BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now