13. Forget About Love

Start from the beginning

"Good." Niall replied. He paused, then after a beat, he added. "I don't know what to do anymore, Car."

"Neither." Cara whispered when she heard the water shut off, pausing what she was doing to listen. "I want to help him, but I don't know how."

"Fucking Louis," Niall swore. "I can believe he's done this."

"Something might have happened to him." Cara pointed out. "We don't know anything, Niall. Don't jump to conclusions."

After deciding that Harry still wasn't ready, Cara continued slicing up the fruit and spoke a little louder.

"You've known him for years, Ni." She continued. "He's not a bad guy."

"He's just up and left-"

"I don't think he has." Cara interrupted him. "I don't think he's the kind of guy to get someone pregnant and then disappear without a care in the world."

It was silent for a minute, and Cara heard movement in the bedroom, which she supposed was a good thing. After a few second, Niall let out a long breath.

"Don't tell Harry that." Niall sighed. "It'll only stress him out more. He doesn't need that."

"Just make sure you're here tomorrow morning." Cara said. "I've got work and Harry needs company."

"Yeah, Ari's taking him shopping, don't worry." Niall told her.

"Okay, I'll text you later." She promised, and with that, the conversation was over.

Just as Cara had finished the fruit salad, Harry came into the kitchen, dressed and clean, but looking no less dishevelled.

"Here." She grinned. "Eat."

And Harry smiled, pulling the bowl towards him as he sat at the breakfast bar, Cara leaning happily against it as well as she watched.

"You feeling better?" She asked, and Harry shrugged.

"I guess," he replied, popping a piece of banana in his mouth. "Do you really think Lou's missing?"

Cara was caught off guard, her eyes going wide as he met Harry's wide, worried ones.

"W-What?" She asked.

"I heard you say something before." He continued. "About Louis' being in trouble."


"I think he's just a dick." Harry cut her off. "Scotland Yard found nothing, Cara. He's not kidnapped or whatever, he just left."

"Harry..." Cara trailed off as he looking down and ate another piece of fruit, trying to fight back tears. But he failed.

He looked up again, his eyes now red and wet, tears running down his cheeks.

"I can't hate him, though." He continued. "God, what's wrong with me?"

"Nothing, love." Cara cooed as Harry finished off the bowl and picked it up, walking it to the sink.

She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her face into his back as she tried desperately to make him feel better.

"C'mon, we should go." She suggested, pulling back to take his hand and lead him out of he house.


A few hours later, and Harry was alone again.

They'd been to the appointment, and the doctor said everything was good and fine. The baby was healthy, and everything was great, supposedly.

But then Cara had to go, and Harry was alone for the night.

He curled up on the couch, Louis' shirt clutched to his chest as he watched a film. Grease, Louis' favourite. He didn't know why he put it on, but he did and now he was sobbing again.

Through his teary eyes, Harry could just make out John Travolta as Danny, dancing across the screen, and all he could think about was how beautiful Louis would have been as Danny. He remembered something about Louis wanting to play that character, and yeah, Harry thought he was perfect.

He sniffled, and wiped his face with Louis' t-shirt, and then noticed exactly which one it was. Love will tear us apart. Harry stared at the logo, and bit his lip. Love really did tear them apart.

So he closed his eyes and cried himself into a fitful sleep, only to be woken at the end of the film by a thump.

Harry frowned and opened his eyes, staying frozen still as he waited in the silence for the sound to repeat it's self.

Soon, he heard the same sliding sound and a small bump, and Harry sat up. He placed both hands on the couch, and pulled himself up to a standing position, looking from side to side before he turned around, and froze.

He took a step backwards, hand on his hammering chest, as he came eye-to-eye with something that made him want to scream, but the sound got caught in his throat.

There was a boy. A young, dirt-clad teenager standing in his living room with a smile on his face and a toga of leaves around his body.

Harry's mouth opened as his eyes got wider, but the boy spoke before he could.

"My, my, my, how you've grown."




super short i know but it's all i've got time for today, catchya at the next update :)




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