Chapter 1: New students

Start from the beginning

My eyes seem to linger on the blue haired one, unable to look away. His head flicks up and our eyes meet, causing me to quickly look away.

Taking one last look at him, I see a small smirk on his lips and his eyes trained on me. Looking away again, I pick up my pace slightly.

“Who are they?” I wonder, as we walk across the street and towards school.

“I don’t have a clue.” Ichigo replies.

“Did you feel something off about them?” I question, taking one last look at them before we turned another corner and I lost sight of them.

“No, why?” He asks, giving me a weird look.

“Never mind, don’t worry about it.” Brushing him off, we lapse into silence, the image of the blue haired guy’s smirk burning in my mind.



*Grimmjow’s P.o.V*

“Why the fuck do I have to be here with you two? Couldn’t Aizen have picked someone else to do this?” I grumble as I tramp downstairs and into the living room where Ulquiorra and Halibel were.

“It’s not like it’s a hard thing to do. All we have to do is find this girl, capture her and bring her back to Aizen.” Ulquiorra states, getting annoyed with my constant complaining.

“Oh, piss off. I don’t need you telling me what I can and can’t do.” I growl at him, flipping him off.

Aizen had ordered us three to come to the World of the Living to find this girl that had caught his interest. All we knew was that she went to some human school and that she had an unusual reiatsu.

“Grimmjow, you are here on a mission so stay focused on it.” Halibel states, breaking up our argument.

“Whatever.” Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I open the door of our temporary house and walk outside with the other two following after me.

We come to an intersection and I see two people walking across the road from us. I just ignore them and continue walking, until I get the sense that someone was staring at me.

Looking up, I see that the girl walking across the road was staring at me. A smirk forms on my face as my eyes meet hers, making her look away quickly. I chuckle lowly to myself and stare at her, looking her over from far way.

Hmm, not bad. My smirk seems to grow when she looks back again at me before disappearing around a corner.


“Where is the fucking teacher?” I mutter to myself, slowly getting more and more agitated.

“Just be patient, Grimmjow.” Halibel states.

I huff loudly, a little pissed off that I am actually listening to her, and shove my hands into my pants pockets.

The door to the classroom finally opens and I feel myself sighing in relief.

“You can come in now.” The teacher says, opening the door wider to let us enter. The three of us walk in, with me at the back, and stand at the front of the room.

“Class, I would like you to welcome our new students. Please treat them well.” The teacher explains to the class before turning to us. “Okay, Ulquiorra and Halibel, you can go and sit behind Chad and Tatsuki. Grimmjow, you can sit beside Kira.” She says, pointing out each of the people whose names she said.

Following the line of her point, I look to the back of the room and see the chick from before. I feel myself smirking slightly as I walk over to my seat.

Sitting down, I spare a glance over at Kira. She must of felt me staring at her because she slowly looks over at me.

“It’s you.” She mumbles, looking me over with her eyes which were crimson red in colour.

“Yes, me. You like what you see?” I ask, my smirk growing bigger.

Scoffing, she flips her bangs out of her eyes and looks away. “In your dreams, pretty boy.” Kira smirks, ignoring me completely once the teacher started to speak.

My curiosity getting the best of me, I ignore the teacher and take the chance to look Kira over.

Waist length black hair, crimson red eyes, hot body, tan skin. Damn, she wasn’t too bad actually.

Quite hot if do say so myself.

“Grimmjow, would you mind not staring at Kira and actually paying attention?” The teacher interrupts my thoughts and I find myself growling lowly.

“Yeah, whatever.” I grumble, looking out the window to the left of me.

Who was this Kira, and why do I find myself becoming so interested in her?

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