Chapter 3

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Klaus stood there staring for a moment.

Elijah smiled, "I believe our brother is in shock." Hayley laughed waving her hand in front of Klaus' face. Klaus still had his eyes glued on Stiles.

Stiles stared back. He was happy to see his brother, but also a bit nervous. It has been a long while since he last saw any of his siblings, and when he left he wasn't on such great terms with his older brother Klaus.

"Hey, you know, maybe I should go check on my friends. They probably need something," Stiles said slowly started to back out of the room, "so I'll just be right back."

Watching his little brother start walking away snapped something inside of Klaus, a memory of the past.

Stiles sat there on the ground clutching his cheek, staring up at Klaus, who stood over him.

Klaus was shocked with his own actions.

Stiles started to shuffle backwards and away, fright of his own brother feeling unnatural to him.

Klaus, wide eyed, went towards his brother to help him. But it only scared Stiles more. "Stop!" He screamed at Klaus, while he flailed trying to move away quicker.

Stiles rushed to get up and run out the door. Klaus called out for him to wait, but Stiles fled.

"Wait!" Klaus rushed over to Stiles, blocking his exit. He hesitated for a moment, before grabbing Stiles by his shirt and pulling his brother towards him.

Stiles flinched back a bit, caught off guard. Klaus ignored it, and pulled him in for a hug. Stiles froze, unsure of how to react.

Klaus' mind was spinning. His baby brother was back. He never forgave himself for what he did to Stiles. He searched for years for him, and still to this day kept looking for Stiles.

Klaus knew that something must be wrong if Stiles was here, but he pushed that at the back of his mind. He needed to apologize for everything he did wrong to Stiles while he had the chance. Before Stiles runs again.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Klaus' grip tightened around Stiles. He couldn't let him slip out of his grip again.

"I... " Klaus was at a loss for words. What could he say? How could he convey his feelings and not scare his brother off again. Not hurt him again.

"What have you done?" Stiles stared wide eyed at his brother.

Klaus was standing over a body, blood dripping from his the corners of his mouth. They were in their large home in New Orleans. It was the mid 1800's.

"I couldn't help myself," Klaus grew a vicious smirk, "he was just so good." He crouched down next to the body. Slowly, he ran his finger over the wound on the victim's neck, collecting blood as it went. He brought his finger to his lips.

Stiles collapsed to his knees. Tears grew in his eyes, on the verge of falling. "What have you done?" Stiles whispered to himself in complete despair.

"Oh don't cry brother," Klaus rolled his eyes, "I'm sure there's still some blood left in him for you to try."

In anger, Stiles pushed Klaus away, throwing him into the wall. "Get away from him!"

By the time Klaus got back up he was seething. How dare his brother push him. "What the hell Stiles?" he yelled.

Stiles has now freely crying over the body of his now dead friend, William.

Very recently Stiles and Will had grown extremely close. They were the best of friends.

For a couple of weeks, the man was visiting New Orleans on business trip for his father. After bumping into each other in town, Will made his first friend. He soon found that Stiles was the only friend he needed, everyone else were such sourpusses.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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