Chapter 2

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The pack stood there, in awe of the sight before them. Their senses going wild, the music blaring, food grizzling, and people dancing. Another New Orleans night. Never had they seen such energy in a whole community. Not that that should be surprising, all of them coming from the same small town of Beacon Hills.

Lights hung from lamp post to lamp post, illuminating the whole street. More light came from almost every store door, most likely all selling alcohol. People drinking could be seen clearly and more easily smelt.

If the werewolves tried to smell a little deeper, they would have smelt have smelt blood. And a lot of it. The smell was everywhere, but it was very subtle.

If people weren't drinking, they were dancing. The pack was tempted to just forget all their worries, and go party. They badly wanted to give into their teenaged urges, but knew better.

After taking in their surroundings, Stiles started to lead them through New Orleans.

Stiles was slowly growing impatient and nervous, maybe this is a bad idea. . . No I've got to do this, he thought to himself. He contemplated to himself as he continued to show the way, but as always he wouldn't get his way. Luck is never on Stiles' side.

A few blocks away from their destination, they bumped into an old friend of Stiles. God, why does this always happen?

Approaching was Marcel and his band of vampire goons. Just what Stiles needs right now. Stiles put his hood up and lowered his head, as one of the vampires approached.

It's not that he didn't like Marcel, don't get him wrong, he just wanted his siblings to be the first to know of his arrival.

"Hey guys, welcome to New Orleans! You guy are totally new, so you're probably lost. Let me help you guys out." The vampire smiled sweetly, making Stiles want to gag.

Stiles very patiently waited for the vampire to point out all the best spots in town. What is this goon doing, he thought. What's the catch?

Stiles was cut short of his thoughts when Marcel and the rest of his vampires approached. "We hope you enjoy your stay here!" Marcel gave his signature 'human' smile, before adding "You know what, you all should come to our party! There'll only be a few people, it's at our private club. What do you say?"

Oh. So that's the catch.

The pack started to get excited, all cheering a yes in response. Besides Derek who only grunted a sure. Stiles couldn't let them go, the vampires only wanted to eat them.

"Sorry guys, but we've got things to do and places to go." Stiles spoke up for the first time.

"What why not?! We're in New Orleans, let us party a bit." Malia whined.

Stiles wasn't going to give up, "No, no one will be partying with these people. You don't even know them." Stiles spoke firmly and evenly.

Marcel stepped up, "My friend, don't stop the party before it has even begun. We just want to have some fun, and I think your friends do too."

Scott nodded, "Common dude, we can go where ever you were going to take us, after this party."

Everyone continues to nod in agreement. Marcel gave the hooded teen a smile, "Sorry kid, but looks like the decision has been made."

Turning towards his vampire friends Marcel grew a knowing smirk, "Who wants to grab a bite to eat?" The goons all cheer, causing Stiles to internally groan. Oh jeez.

Stiles makes a quick decision and grabs Marcel's arm, "Sorry, but none of your friends will be 'grabbing a bite' with my friends." Putting a bit of emphasis on the 'grabbing a bite'.

He'll find out I'm here eventually, Stiles thought as he pulled down his hood. Marcel stared at Stiles for a bit, shocked by the appearance of an old friend.

"You can't tell your friends what to do!" One of Marcel's vampires cried out. Obvious speaking with his stomach and not his brain.

"Diego stop, we won't be partying tonight." Diego gave a look of outrage. "Why not?"

The vampire turned towards Stiles but directed his words to Marcel, "You just going to let some kid tell you what to do?"

Marcel sighed, "Not now Diego."

The fool just wouldn't stop, so Stiles cut in first.

"You don't know me, but my name is Stiles. I am one of the originals." Stiles paused, taking in the faces of shock and fear. "So let me say this again, you will not be eating dinner tonight." Just for fun, Stiles sent the vampires a Mikaelson grin. "And last I checked, nightcrawlers don't eat dogs."

Diego looked at the pack, then back at Stiles. Quickly he grumbling an apology, before backing up and looking down at his shoes.

Stiles then turns to Marcel, "We were just heading to the house, mind lending a hand?" Almost immediately the vampires grabbed the pack's luggage and begin to lead the way. The pack look around quizzically, but soon follow.

In the back, Marcel and Stiles walk alongside each other following the rest. Marcel kept quiet, unsure if Stiles was upset with him or something. These freaking originals and their erratic mood swings.

Stiles picked up on his thoughts. "New Orleans looks good, and I know Klaus hasn't been here that long. Nice work." he said with a blank face. Marcel nodded, but said nothing in return.

Suddenly Stiles broke out laughing, causing Marcel to jump into the air. "There's no need for us to be so serious! We're both friends here."

Marcel smiled widely at Stiles.

"But on a more serious note," Stiles lost his smile, "do not ever call me kid. I'm older than you!" They both began to laugh, tears gathering in their eyes. Just like old times.

Klaus walked through the front door, deep in thought. He never realised how many problems he had to deal with. The witches, the werewolves, rebellious siblings, uggghhhh! Jeez, this whole going to be 'king' of New Orleans thing was becoming tiresome. Not to mention his constant fear for Rebekah and Hope. He trusts his sister to care for his daughter, he just doesn't trust that something won't find them. God. Hope, he hasn't even really even got the chance to spend any time with his daughter. Klaus would give anything for it to be safer for her, but it's not.

Stop thinking about that now! He should just deal with it, and enjoy what is here now. Like Kol. He has been back a few weeks now. Elijah helped him find a witch to resurrect his body. The only price was a large quantity of family blood. Klaus should appreciate Kol more. Kol is still a troublemaker, but everyone can see he is trying to do best by his siblings now.

Still deep in thought, Klaus turned the corner into the living room. Pulled back to earth, he takes in his surrounds and the people in it.

Kol was sitting on the couch, next to someone. He was unable to identify this person, due to Elijah's back blocking his view. Hayley was also in the room standing near by. 

Hayley was the first to notice Klaus' presence, and gently nudges Elijah's shoulder. He turns around facing Klaus, still blocking his view of the person. Kol soon stops talking to the person to look at Klaus.

Once everyone was looking at him, Klaus finally notices a smile on each of their faces. Klaus could practically see the joy oozing off of them. Klaus would have make a snarky comment about how they were in the middle of a supernatural war and separated from family, but restrained himself from doing so.

Hayley giggles to herself at the look of confusion of Klaus' face, as she walks towards him. "So, I really think we need to go over your whole family tree." Before Klaus could question her about her comment, Elijah moved to sit in a near by chair.

Klaus looks into the eyes of the mystery person, stuck in place. His breath was stuck in his throat. He was captured by those eyes, eyes identical to his own.

"So how's it hangin, brother?"

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